233.190. Tools and machinery delivered to commissioners of special road district--powers and duties--concurrent jurisdiction with special road subdistrict, when.
Tools and machinery delivered to commissioners of special roaddistrict--powers and duties--concurrent jurisdiction with specialroad subdistrict, when.
233.190. 1. The county commission shall, upon theorganization by* such commissioners of the special road district,cause all tools and machinery used for working roads belongingto the districts formerly existing and composed of territoryembraced within the incorporated district to be delivered to thespecial road district commissioners, for which suchcommissioners shall give a receipt, and such commissioners shallkeep and use such tools and machinery for constructing andimproving public roads and bridges.
2. Except as provided in subsection 3 of this section, thecommissioners shall have sole, exclusive and entire control andjurisdiction over all public highways, bridges and culverts,other than roads controlled by the highways and transportationcommission, within the district, to construct, improve andrepair such highways, bridges and culverts, and shall have allthe power, rights and authority conferred by law upon roadoverseers, and shall at all times keep such roads, bridges andculverts in as good condition as the means at their command willpermit, and for such purpose may employ competent people androad equipment at such compensation as they shall agree upon;rent, lease or buy road equipment, implements, tools andmachinery; all kinds of motor power, and all things needed tocarry on such work, except that the commissioners may have suchroad work, or bridge or culvert work, or any part thereof, doneby contract, under such regulations as the commissioners mayprescribe.
3. Any special road subdistrict established under theprovisions of sections 233.500 to 233.520 shall have concurrentcontrol and jurisdiction over all public highways, bridges andculverts, other than those controlled by the highways andtransportation commission, within the boundaries of the specialroad subdistrict with any special road district containing landwithin the boundaries of the special road subdistrict. Thespecial road subdistrict may contract with the special roaddistrict to use the tools and machinery described in subsection1 of this section.
(RSMo 1939 § 8714, A.L. 1990 S.B. 479 & 649)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8065; 1919 § 10837
Effective 5-30-90
*Word "of" appears in original rolls.