233.185. Commissioners of special road district shall organize--when--how.
Commissioners of special road district shall organize--when--how.
233.185. 1. The commissioners so appointed and qualified shall meetat such a time and place within such district as may be fixed by the countycommission at the time of appointing them, or as they may in writing agreeupon, and shall organize by electing one of their number president, anothervice president and another secretary; provided, that by a unanimous vote ofsuch commissioners any person not a member of such board may be chosensecretary.
2. Meetings of the special road district commissioners shall be heldthereafter at such time and place as they may agree upon in writing, or thepresident or vice president may order. The president of the board shallpreside at all meetings thereof; the president shall sign the minutes andrecords of the board, and all check warrants that may be drawn upon thetreasury for the payment of any money out of the treasury on account of thefunds belonging to such district, and exercise a general supervisingcontrol over the work of such commissioners, and in a general way may doall the acts and things that the board may empower the president to do, andsuch others as may be authorized by law. During absence of the presidentfrom the county, or from any meeting of the board, the vice president shallperform the duties conferred upon the president.
3. The secretary shall carefully keep a true record of all checkwarrants drawn on the treasurer and all written contracts that may beentered into on behalf of the district, shall attest such check warrantsand the execution of such contracts, keep minutes of meetings of the board,and perform such other duties as the law may require. All money paid tothe county treasurer and placed to the credit of the district shall be paidout only on check warrants signed by the president or vice president andattested by the secretary, except as may be otherwise authorized by law.
(RSMo 1939 § 8713, A.L. 1997 H.B. 813)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8064; 1919 § 10836; 1909 § 10614