233.177. Election to establish road district, procedure--ballot language.

Election to establish road district, procedure--ballot language.

233.177. 1. In lieu of the mode of establishment set forth insection 233.175, a road district organized under sections 233.170 to233.315 may be established by election. The election proceduresestablished by the provisions of this section shall only apply to proposedspecial road districts within a county of the fourth classification.

2. Whenever fifty voters, who are voters of any such proposed specialroad district, shall file a petition with the county commission, asking thecommission to submit sections 233.170 to 233.315 to a vote of the people ofsuch proposed road district for their adoption, the county commission shallmake an order of record that sections 233.170 to 233.315, describing thesame by its title and the date of its approval, be submitted to the votersof such proposed road district at an election.

3. The question shall be submitted in substantially the followingform:

"Shall the . . . . . . . . Road District be established?".

4. If the majority of the votes cast for and against the adoption ofsections 233.170 to 233.315 be for its adoption, the commission shalldeclare the result of the vote thereon by an order of record, and shallmake an order of record declaring sections 233.170 to 233.315 to be the lawin such special road district, the same to take effect and be in force fromand after a day to be named in such order within ten days.

(L. 2008 S.B. 896)