233.150. Annual report of receipts and disbursements.
Annual report of receipts and disbursements.
233.150. 1. The said board shall make an annual settlementwith the county commission during the month of August in eachyear, which settlement shall contain a full and correct itemizedstatement of all moneys received and from what sources receivedand for what purpose the same has been expended, giving eachparticular item, and shall be subscribed and sworn to by at leasttwo members of said board before some officer authorized by thelaws of this state to administer oaths, a copy of whichsettlement shall be filed with the county clerk, and may bepublished in some newspaper published in said road district inthe discretion of the city council, the expenses of which shallbe paid out of the city treasury.
2. Should any such board fail to make the annual settlementrequired herein during the month of August in each year, then thecounty, or its treasurer, shall not be authorized until suchreport be filed to pay out any sum, or sums, of money which maybe due to said road district, or which may be set aside andplaced to the credit of said road district. The board shall senda copy of such annual settlement to the state highways andtransportation commission at Jefferson City at the time of thefiling.
(RSMo 1939 § 8699, A.L. 1945 p. 1494)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8050; 1919 § 10826; 1909 § 10604