233.135. Issuance of check warrants.

Issuance of check warrants.

233.135. Such board may issue check warrants on the treasurer of theboard in payment of the expenses and obligations which the board isauthorized to incur in behalf of such special road districts and such checkwarrants may be issued in anticipation of the income and revenue providedfor the year for which the debt or obligation for which the check warrantis issued was incurred; but such districts or such board on behalf thereofshall not become indebted in any manner or for any purpose to an amountexceeding in any one year the income and revenue provided for such year;provided, however, that this shall not prevent the incurring ofindebtedness under bond issue as is or may be provided by law.

(RSMo 1939 § 8702, A.L. 1997 H.B. 813)

Prior revision: 1929 § 8053