233.105. Board of commissioners of special road district may improve certain highways, when.
Board of commissioners of special road district may improvecertain highways, when.
233.105. 1. Said boards may repair, grade, gravel,macadamize, pave or otherwise improve to the distance of fifteenmiles from any line of such special road district, any highwayoutside of such district if the same be a prolongation of animproved street or highway in said district and if liberalcontributions toward such improvements be made in money, materialor labor by the inhabitants interested in such improvements orthe county commission or any special road district organizedunder the laws of this state, or the state highway board, or theUnited States government, or by any one or more of the foregoing.
2. Or in lieu of doing such work in the improvement of suchroads such boards may, under the same conditions as wouldauthorize them to do such construction work under this section,contribute toward the repair, grading, graveling, macadamizing,paving or otherwise improving any such highway such an amount asthe said board of commissioners of the special road district maydetermine, providing the other contributions from any one or moreof the sources herein mentioned are liberal contributions towardsuch improvements and together with the contribution of suchboard will be sufficient to make and complete such improvement;and provided, also, that such work shall be done under plans andspecifications and estimate of cost prepared by some competentengineer and approved by such board of commissioners and suchcontribution of such board shall be paid from time to time onlyas the work is done or the improvement constructed in compliancewith said plans and specifications and on certificate of somecompetent engineer designated by such board of commissioners andthe payments on the work completed shall be in the sameproportion as the total contribution of said board bears to theestimated cost of the entire job, and said certificate of theengineer shall show the work completed and the proportionalamount of contribution to be paid thereon.
(RSMo 1939 § 8685)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8036; 1919 § 10812; 1909 § 10588