233.095. Expenditures on municipal streets within district--amounts--conditions.
Expenditures on municipal streets withindistrict--amounts--conditions.
233.095. Said board shall have authority to expend not morethan one-fourth of the revenue which may now or which mayhereafter be paid into its treasury for the purpose of gradingand repairing any roads or streets within the corporate limits ofany city within said special road district in conformity with theestablished grade of said roads and streets in said cities andfor the purpose of constructing and maintaining macadam, gravel,rock or paved roads or streets within the corporate limits of anycity within the said special road district in conformity with theestablished grade of said roads and streets in said city;provided, that no part of the revenue of any special roaddistrict in this state be expended outside of the county in whichsuch special road district is situated.
(RSMo 1939 § 8683)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8034; 1919 § 10810; 1909 § 10586