233.015. Adoption of special road district law--election.

Adoption of special road district law--election.

233.015. 1. Sections 233.010 to 233.165 shall be in forceand take effect only in such prescribed territory as shall adoptthe same by a majority of the voters who shall vote for andagainst its adoption at such election. Whenever fifty voters,who are voters of any such proposed special road district, shallfile a petition with the county commission of any county, askingthe commission to submit sections 233.010 to 233.165 to a vote ofthe people of such proposed road district for their adoption, thecounty commission of such county shall make an order of recordthat sections 233.010 to 233.165, describing the same by itstitle and the date of its approval, be submitted to the voters ofsuch proposed road district at an election.

2. If the majority of the votes cast for and against theadoption of sections 233.010 to 233.165 be for its adoption, thecommission shall declare the result of the vote thereon by anorder of record, and shall make an order of record declaringsections 233.010 to 233.165 to be the law in such special roaddistrict, the same to take effect and be in force from and aftera day to be named in such order within ten days.

(RSMo 1939 § 8704, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 8055; 1919 § 10829; 1909 § 10607