229.475. Definitions--removal of plants from roadways or state and county highways without permission, prohibited, penalty.
Definitions--removal of plants from roadways or state and countyhighways without permission, prohibited, penalty.
229.475. 1. As used in sections 229.475 to 229.481, thefollowing terms mean:
(1) "Commission", the state highways and transportationcommission;
(2) "Plants", trees, shrubs, vines, wildflowers, grassesand ferns; and
(3) "Plant parts", roots, bulbs, tubers and rhizomes.
2. Except as otherwise provided in this section and section229.477, no person shall dig or remove any plants or plant partsfrom any real property of the commission, or the right-of-way ofany state or county highway or roadway without permission of thecommission or governmental entity responsible for theadministration of the property or right-of-way, unless suchperson is engaged in the work of constructing, repairing ormaintaining the property, highway or roadway under the authorityand direction of the commission or governmental entity.Violation of this section and section 229.477 is a class Bmisdemeanor. Each plant removed shall constitute a separateoffense.
(L. 1993 H.B. 536 § 1 subsecs. 1, 2)