229.320. County engineers to prescribe rules and regulations--bond.
County engineers to prescribe rules and regulations--bond.
229.320. 1. The county highway engineer shall haveauthority to require any changes in the route, or to prescribethe time, method, and manner of such moving, or the use of suchstreet, avenue, boulevard, road, alley, public easement, orhighway, or any right-of-way or appurtenances thereto, and forgood cause shown, when it is necessary to protect theright-of-way of, or, any such street, avenue, boulevard, road,alley, public easement, or highway, or the safety of the public,may refuse such application.
2. The county highway engineer may require any and all suchapplicants to furnish and post such cash or bond as may benecessary for the protection of the public ways herein described,and appurtenances thereof, as he may deem proper under thecircumstances. It shall be a condition of such bond that theapplicant will refill such excavation or restore, repair orreplace any such street, avenue, boulevard, road, alley, publiceasement, or highway, or any part of the right-of-way thereof,disturbed or affected, so that the same will be in as goodcondition as before the same was used for such purpose, and willkeep and maintain the portion thereof so affected in suchcondition for a period of six months from the completion of suchwork or use, and will save such county harmless from any cost orexpense occasioned or required by such work or use, for suchperiod of time.
3. In the event the business or occupation of the applicantis such that he is or may be required to make frequentapplications for a special use permit, such applicant may beallowed to give a general bond to cover any and all such useswhich may be made by such applicant during the fiscal year of thecounty.
(RSMo 1939 §§ 8649, 8650, A.L. 1945 p. 1489 § 8649)Prior revision: 1929 §§ 8000, 8001