229.300. Work projects affecting property rights, moving of buildings on highways (first class counties).
Work projects affecting property rights, moving of buildings onhighways (first class counties).
229.300. In all counties of class one it shall be unlawfulfor any person, firm, association or corporation to excavate orencroach on, or cause to be excavated or encroached on, or tolay, locate, erect, remove or maintain any conduits, poles, polelines, wires, mains, pipes, conductors, sewers, tramways ordrains, within, upon or across the right-of-way of any street,avenue, boulevard, road, alley, public easement, or highwayoutside the city limits of any municipality in such county; or tomove upon, over or across any such street, avenue, boulevard,road, alley, public easement or highway, any building, house orother structure, or to operate or cause to be operated, on anysuch street, avenue, boulevard, road, alley, public easement orhighway, any vehicle, or combination of any vehicle or house,building or other structure, which exceeds the limits of length,width, height, or weight as set forth by the regulations of theMissouri state highways and transportation commission governingsuch on state highways, without first having obtained a writtenpermit, denominated as a special use permit, from the countyhighway engineer and surveyor.
(RSMo 1939 § 8647, A.L. 1945 p. 1489)Prior revision: 1929 § 7998