229.160. Protection of bridges--penalty for neglect.
Protection of bridges--penalty for neglect.
229.160. All persons owning, controlling or managingthreshing machines, sawmills and steam engines or gasolinetractors are required, in moving the same over public highways tolay down planks not less than one foot wide and three inches inthickness on the floors of all bridges situate on the publichighways, while crossing the same with such threshing machines,sawmills, steam engines or gasoline tractors, and in the eventany person owning any such machinery shall cross or attempt tocross any bridge upon any public highway with such machinery whoshall neglect or fail to lay down said planks as a protection tosaid bridge and who shall, by reason of such neglect cause injuryto any such bridge, he shall be liable for double the amount ofsuch injury to be recovered in the name of the county or anysubdivision thereof, to the use and benefit of the road andbridge fund.
(RSMo 1939 § 8591)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7942; 1919 § 10728; 1909 § 10545