227.150. State highways and transportation commission may reimburse county or other subdivision for bridges, when.
State highways and transportation commission may reimburse countyor other subdivision for bridges, when.
227.150. Whenever a county, or other political subdivisionof the state, except incorporated cities and towns, shall have,out of public funds, purchased or constructed across anynavigable stream any bridge that forms a segment or part of thestate road system or any easement thereon, then the statehighways and transportation commission, at any such time or timesas the road funds will justify without interfering with otherstate road construction or maintenance, may construct and buildsuch roads in such county or other political subdivision as thecounty commission of such county or in which such politicalsubdivision is situate may direct; the cost of which roads shallbe equal to the value to the state at the time taken over of theportion of such bridge entirely within the state of Missouri, notexceeding in any case the amount expended by such county or otherpolitical subdivision in the acquisition of such bridge;provided, however, that any county or other political subdivisionexcept incorporated cities and towns may elect to receive suchreimbursement from the state highways and transportationcommission in cash.
(RSMo 1939 § 8777, A. 1949 S.B. 1074)Prior revision: 1929 § 8129