227.140. Transportation department to reimburse for acquisition of roads and bridges, when--method.
Transportation department to reimburse for acquisitionof roads and bridges, when--method.
227.140. 1. Counties and other political subdivisions ofthe state, except incorporated cities and towns, shall bereimbursed for money expended by them in the construction oracquisition of roads and bridges now or hereafter taken over bythe state as permanent parts of the system of state highways tothe extent of the value to the state of such roads and bridges atthe time taken over, due consideration being given to the type ofroad the state would have constructed had such road not alreadybeen constructed, but not exceeding in any case the amountexpended by such counties and subdivisions in the construction oracquisition of such roads and bridges, except that the statehighways and transportation commission may, in its discretion,repay, or agree to repay, any cash advanced by a county orsubdivision to expedite state road construction or improvement.
2. Any portion or all of such reimbursements shall be madeeither in the form of additional roads or in cash at the electionof the authorities of the county or political subdivision towhich reimbursement may be due. If said authorities elect tohave any reimbursement made in the form of additional roads, suchroads shall be constructed in such county or politicalsubdivision under the supervision and direction of the commissionand shall connect with the system of state highways; or, all orpart of said sum may be used to construct a state highway of ahigher type than that proposed by the commission. Anyreimbursement which the authorities of a county or politicalsubdivision elect to have made in cash may be used for thepurchase of rights-of-way for state highways within such countyor political subdivision.
3. When the commission takes over a road, to theconstruction of which more than one county or politicalsubdivision has contributed, any reimbursement shall be dividedamong said counties or subdivisions in the same proportion assuch counties or subdivisions contributed to said construction.
(RSMo 1939 § 8775, A.L. 1945 p. 1465, A. 1949 S.B. 1074)Prior revision: 1929 § 8127