227.020. Creating and establishing state highway system of hard-surfaced roads and describing routes in and through different counties.
Creating and establishing state highway system of hard-surfacedroads and describing routes in and through different counties.
227.020. There is hereby created and established a statewideconnected system of hard-surfaced public roads extending intoeach county of the state, which shall be located, acquired,constructed, reconstructed, and improved and ever aftermaintained as public roads, and the necessary grading,hard-surfacing, bridges and culverts therefor shall beconstructed by the state of Missouri. Such statewide connectedsystem of hard-surfaced roads shall be known as the "statehighway system", and shall consist of highways along thefollowing described routes:
Adair County--Beginning at the Adair-Sullivan County line,west of Novinger, thence east and south through Novinger,Kirksville and Brashear to the Adair-Knox County line. Beginningat the Adair-Schuyler County line, north of Sublette, thencesouth to Kirksville, thence south and east through Millard to theAdair-Macon County line near LaPlata.
Andrew County--Beginning at the Nodaway-Andrew County line,thence south through Savannah to the Buchanan-Andrew County line,just north of St. Joseph. Beginning at the Holt-Andrew Countyline, at the state ferry crossing, thence east a distance ofapproximately six miles to a point connecting with the north andsouth state road near Savannah. Beginning at a point on thenorth and south state road near Rosendale, thence north and eastthrough Rosendale, Rea and Whitesville to the Gentry County linewest of King City. Beginning at a point on the DeKalb-AndrewCounty line near Union Star, thence south and west throughRochester and Avenue City to the Andrew-Buchanan County line nearSt. Joseph.
Atchison County--Beginning at the Holt-Atchison County lineeast of Milton, thence north and west to Fairfax, thence north toTarkio, continuing due north to the Iowa state line. Beginningat Tarkio, thence east to the Nodaway-Atchison County line, westof Burlington Junction. Beginning on the north and south stateroad south of Tarkio, thence west via Rockport to Phelps City.Beginning at Rockport, thence in a northerly direction to theIowa state line.
Audrain County--Beginning at the Audrain-Randolph Countyline, near Clark, thence southeast to the Audrain-Boone Countyline and along said county line to a point north of Centralia.Beginning at the Audrain-Boone County line east of Centralia,thence south and east through Thompson and Mexico to theAudrain-Montgomery County line near the Burlington railroad.Beginning at the Audrain-Monroe County line, thence southeast toMexico, thence southwest to the Audrain-Callaway County linenorth of Auxvasse. Beginning at the Audrain-Pike County line,east of Vandalia, thence west to Vandalia, Farber and Laddonia,thence south to Laddonia, to connect with the state road north ofMartinsburg.
Barry County--Beginning at the Newton-Barry County line,thence in a northeasterly direction to Monett, thence north tothe county line and along the county line for a short distancebetween Lawrence and Barry counties. Beginning at Monett, thencesouth to Cassville and southwest and southeast through Seligmanto the Arkansas-Missouri state line. Beginning at theNewton-Barry County line, thence east and south to Wheaton,thence east and south to Exeter, thence east into Cassville, fromCassville northeast to Barry-Stone County line west of Galena.
Barton County--Beginning at the Vernon-Barton County line,thence south through Lamar to the Jasper-Barton County line.Beginning at the Missouri-Kansas state line, thence east throughLamar, continuing east to near the Dade County line, thence southand east through Golden City to the Dade-Barton County line.
Bates County--Beginning at the Cass-Bates County line, thencesouth through Adrian, Butler and Rich Hill to the Vernon-BatesCounty line. Beginning at the Kansas-Missouri state line, thenceeast through Amoret and Butler to the St. Clair-Bates Countyline, near the northwest corner of St. Clair County.
Benton County--Beginning at the Pettis-Benton County linenear Ionia, south through Lincoln and Warsaw, thence southeastthrough Dell and Fristoe to the Hickory-Benton County line, justnorth and west of Cross Timbers. Beginning on the north andsouth road two miles south of Ionia, thence east through ColeCamp to the Morgan-Benton County line.
Bollinger County--Beginning at the Bollinger-Wayne Countyline at Ivey Ford, thence north and east through Marble Hill tothe Bollinger-Cape Girardeau County line, west of Jackson.Beginning at Dongola, thence southeast to Bollinger-StoddardCounty line. Beginning at Marble Hill, thence in a northerlydirection to Patton, at which point the road forks, one extendingto the Bollinger-Perry County line near Alliance, and the otherto the Bollinger-Madison County line east of Fredericktown.Beginning at Marble Hill, thence south to a point near Dongola,thence in a southwesterly direction to Stoddard County line nearPuxico.
Boone County--Beginning on the Missouri river at Rocheport,thence east through Columbia to the Callaway-Boone County linewest of Millersburg. Beginning at the Randolph-Boone County linenear the southeast corner of Randolph County, thence souththrough Columbia, thence south and southeast to theCallaway-Boone County line near the Missouri River. Beginningjust north of Centralia on the Audrain-Boone County line, thencesouth and east via Centralia to the Boone-Audrain County line.
Buchanan County--Beginning at the Andrew-Buchanan Countyline, thence south to St. Joseph. Beginning at St. Joseph,thence in a southwesterly direction to the Missouri River, atAtchison, Kansas, also one prong southeast to Platte County line.Beginning at St. Joseph, thence south through Faucett to thePlatte-Buchanan County line. Beginning at St. Joseph, thenceeast to the DeKalb-Buchanan County line. Beginning at St.Joseph, thence in a southeasterly direction to theClinton-Buchanan County line. Beginning at St. Joseph, thencenorth and east to the Andrew County line.
Butler County--Beginning at the Butler-Wayne County line nearHendrickson, thence south and east to Poplar Bluff, thence southand west to Neelyville, thence to the Missouri-Arkansas line.Beginning at the Butler-Ripley County line near Fairdealing,thence easterly a distance of approximately six and one-halfmiles to the road above described. Beginning at Poplar Bluff,thence easterly to the Butler-Stoddard County line. Beginning atthe Butler-Carter County line near Elsinore, thence south andeast through Poplar Bluff to the Butler-Dunklin County line nearthe southern boundary of the County, near DeKin ferry.
Caldwell County--Beginning at the Clinton-Caldwell Countyline, near the northeast corner of Clinton, thence east, crossingthe north part of Caldwell County to the Caldwell-LivingstonCounty line, near the northeast corner of Caldwell County.Beginning at the Daviess-Caldwell County line, thence souththrough Hamilton and Kingston, to the Caldwell-Ray County line.
Callaway County--Beginning at the Callaway-Boone County linenear Millersburg, thence south and east through Millersburg toFulton, thence north and east through Calwood to Williamsburg tothe Callaway-Montgomery County line. Beginning at Fulton, thencesouth and west through New Bloomfield to South Cedar City.Beginning at the Callaway-Audrain County line north of Auxvasse,thence south and west through Auxvasse to Fulton. Beginning atthe Boone-Callaway County line near the Missouri River, thencesoutheast to South Cedar City.
Camden County--Beginning at the Dallas-Camden County line,thence north and northeast through Branch, Macks Creek, LinnCreek and Zebra to the Miller-Camden County line. Beginning atthe Morgan-Camden County line near Hurricane Deck, thence souththrough Linn Creek to the Laclede-Camden County line.
Cape Girardeau County--Beginning at the Cape Girardeau-PerryCounty line, thence south and east through Jackson to CapeGirardeau, thence south to the Scott County line. Beginning atJackson, thence in a southwesterly direction to the CapeGirardeau-Bollinger County line. Beginning at Jackson, thencesouth by way of Gordonville to Dutchtown and Delta, thence to theCape Girardeau-Stoddard County line near the western boundary ofCape Girardeau County. Beginning at Cape Girardeau, thencesouthwest to Dutchtown.
Carroll County--Beginning at the Ray-Carroll County line,thence in a northeasterly direction through Carrollton, to theCarroll-Chariton County line. Beginning at theLivingston-Carroll County line, thence south through Tina toCarrollton. Beginning at Carrollton, thence south to MissouriRiver at Waverly.
Carter County--Beginning at the Carter-Shannon County linewest of Fremont, thence east and north through Fremont and VanBuren to the Carter-Reynolds County line near Garwood. Beginningat the Carter-Reynolds County line near Garwood, thence in asoutheasterly direction through Elsinore to the Carter-ButlerCounty line. Beginning at the Carter-Ripley County line south ofGrandin, thence in a northerly direction on through Grandin toHunter, to the road last described above at Kirtz Corner.
Cass County--Beginning at the Jackson-Cass County line northof Belton, thence to Belton and southeast to Harrisonville viaPeculiar, thence south to the Bates-Cass County line via Archie.Beginning at the Jackson-Cass County line north of Pleasant Hill,thence south and east through Pleasant Hill to the Johnson-CassCounty line. Beginning at Harrisonville, thence north toPleasant Hill. From Harrisonville north to the Cass-JacksonCounty line.
Cedar County--Beginning at El Dorado Springs, thence north tothe St. Clair-Cedar County line. Beginning again at theVernon-Cedar County line west of El Dorado Springs, thence eastto El Dorado Springs, thence in a southeasterly direction throughStockton to the Polk-Cedar County line, west of Fairplay.Beginning at Stockton, thence south and west on the Greenfieldroad to the Dade County line.
Chariton County--Beginning at the Chariton-Carroll Countyline, west of Brunswick thence easterly through Brunswick,Keytesville and Salisbury, to the Chariton-Randolph County line.Beginning at the Chariton-Linn County line, near Marceline,thence south and east to Keytesville. From Keytesville south toGlasgow.
Christian County--Beginning at the Lawrence-Christian Countyline, near the southwest corner of Christian County, thence in anortheasterly direction through Billings to the Greene-ChristianCounty line. Beginning at the Greene-Christian County line,thence south to Ozark and southwest to the Christian-Stone Countyline, near the intersection of Stone, Taney and Christiancounties. Beginning at Ozark, thence east to theDouglas-Christian County line via Sparta. Beginning at Ozark,thence in a westerly direction, via Clever and Nixa to Billings.
Clark County--Beginning at the Clark-Scotland County line,thence east and south through Luray, Kahoka and Wayland toAlexandria. Beginning at the Missouri-Iowa state line nearAthens, thence south and east to Wayland. Beginning at Wayland,thence south and east to Lewis-Clark County line.
Clay County--Beginning at the Clay-Clinton County line, nearTrimble, thence south through Smithville, Nashua, and NorthKansas City, also a prong near south end in westerly directionconnecting with state road in Platte County. Beginning at theRay-Clay County line, thence in a southwesterly direction throughExcelsior Springs, Liberty and North Kansas City. Beginning atNashua, thence west to the Platte-Clay County line.
Clinton County--Beginning at the Clay-Clinton County linesouth of Trimble, thence north through Trimble and Grayson, oneprong going east to Plattsburg and one prong north and west tothe Buchanan-Clinton County line. Beginning at Plattsburg,thence in a southeasterly direction to Lathrop. Beginning atPlattsburg, thence northeast to Perrin and north to the east andwest state road near the DeKalb-Clinton County line.
Cole County--Beginning at the Moniteau-Cole County line,thence east through Centertown and Jefferson City to the OsageCounty line at Huber's Ferry. Beginning at Jefferson City,thence southwest via Brazito to the Miller-Cole County line nearEugene. Beginning at Cole-Miller County line, thence north viaEugene to connect with state road north of Eugene.
Cooper County--Beginning at the Saline-Cooper County linenear the Missouri River, south of Arrow Rock, thence south andeast through Lamine and Boonville to the Missouri River east ofBoonville near Rocheport. Beginning at Boonville, thencesouthwest and south via Bellair to the Cooper-Moniteau Countyline near the Moniteau-Morgan County line.
Crawford County--Beginning at the Phelps-Crawford Countyline, northeast of St. James, thence northeast via Cuba, Leasburgand Bourbon to the Franklin-Crawford County line near Sullivan.Beginning at Cuba, thence southeast via Steelville toCherryville, thence southeast along the Cherryville-DavisvilleCounty road to the intersection of the Davisville-Sligo road,thence following the Davisville-Sligo road in a southwestdirection to the Dent-Crawford County line. Beginning atSteelville, thence east to the Washington-Crawford County line,connecting with the east and west road in Washington County.
Dade County--Beginning at the Barton-Dade County line nearGolden City, thence east and north to Greenfield, thence eastthrough Polk township, thence south to Everton, thence south andeast to the Greene-Dade County line. Beginning at Greenfield,thence north to the Cedar County line. Beginning at Greenfield,thence south via South Greenfield and Pennsboro to Lawrence-DadeCounty line.
Dallas County--Beginning near the northwest corner of DallasCounty on the Hickory-Dallas County line, thence via Urbana andLouisburg in a southeasterly direction to Buffalo, thence southvia Olive to Goss school house, thence west and south toGreene-Dallas County line. Beginning at Buffalo, thence in anortheasterly direction to the Dallas-Camden County line.Beginning at Buffalo, thence west to the Dallas-Polk County line.
Daviess County--Beginning at the DeKalb-Daviess County line,near the southwest corner of Daviess County, thence in anortheasterly direction through Winston, Altamont, Gallatin andJamesport, to the Grundy-Daviess County line. Beginning atGallatin, thence south to the Daviess-Caldwell County line.Beginning at the Daviess-Harrison County line, north toPattonsburg, thence in a southerly direction through Pattonsburgto Altamont. Beginning at the DeKalb-Daviess County line, nearWeatherby, thence south and east to a point on the state roadnear Winston.
DeKalb County--Beginning at the Buchanan-DeKalb County line,thence in an easterly direction to the Clinton-DeKalb Countyline. Beginning at the Buchanan-DeKalb County line, thence in anortheasterly direction through Clarksdale, Maysville andWeatherby to the Daviess-DeKalb County line. Beginning at theGentry-DeKalb County line, near King City, thence south toClarksdale. Beginning at the DeKalb-Gentry County line, nearKing City, on the north and south state road in DeKalb County,thence south and west through Union Star to the Andrew Countyline. Beginning at the DeKalb-Daviess County line, near thesouthwest corner of Daviess County, thence south and west to theDeKalb County line at Cameron.
Dent County--Beginning at the Texas-Dent County line,northeast of Licking, thence in a northeasterly direction,through Ranger and Salem to Sligo, thence east to Crawford-DentCounty line connecting with the Sligo-Davisville County road westof Cherryville. Beginning at Salem, thence in an easterlydirection by way of Stone Hill and Hawes Mill to the Iron-DentCounty line southwest of Bixby. Beginning at Salem, thence in asoutheasterly direction to the Shannon-Dent County line,connecting with the north and south state road in Shannon County.
Douglas County--Beginning at the Wright-Douglas County line,south of Mansfield, thence in a southwesterly direction to Ava,thence in a southeasterly direction to the Douglas-Ozark Countyline. Beginning at Ava, thence in a northwesterly direction tothe Christian-Douglas County line via Tigris. From Ava southeastto Howell-Douglas County line, just west of Siloam Springs.
Dunklin County--Beginning at the Dunklin-Stoddard County lineat the northeast corner of Dunklin County, thence southwestthrough Malden, Clarkton, Kennett, Caruth, Senath and Cardwell tothe Missouri-Arkansas state line at Hopkins River bridge.Beginning at the Dunklin-Butler County line, thence south andeast through Campbell and Holcomb to the road described above.Beginning at the Missouri-Arkansas state line west of Kennett,thence easterly through Kennett to the Dunklin-Pemiscot Countyline.
Franklin County--Beginning at the Gasconade-Franklin Countyline near Rosebud, thence north and east through Gerald, Leslie,Union and Villa Ridge to the Franklin-St. Louis County line.Beginning at Washington, thence south and east to Villa Ridge. Adistance of ten miles, connecting with the above described road.Beginning at Union, thence south and east to St. Clair, thencesouth and west through Stanton and Sullivan to theFranklin-Crawford County line. Beginning at St. Clair, thencesouth and east through Lonedell to the Franklin-Jefferson Countyline near Grubville.
Gasconade County--Beginning at the Gasconade-Osage Countyline near Mt. Sterling, thence easterly through Mt. Sterling toDrake, thence south and east to Rosebud, thence northeast to theGasconade-Franklin County line. Beginning at Hermann, thence ina southerly direction to Drake. Beginning at Rosebud, thencesouth and west through Owensville and Bland to theGasconade-Osage County line near Belle.
Gentry County--Beginning at King City, thence north toStanberry, thence east through Albany to the Harrison-GentryCounty line, near New Hampton. Beginning at the Worth-GentryCounty line, thence south to the east and west road west ofAlbany, 11.2 miles. Beginning at the Nodaway-Gentry County line,thence east one-half mile, thence south to the Wabash railroad,thence parallel the Wabash railroad south of east to Stanberry,4.3 miles. Beginning at the Andrew-Gentry County line, thenceeast to King City. Beginning at Albany, thence south to Evona.
Greene County--Beginning at the Christian-Greene County linenear Billings, thence in a northeasterly direction and eastdirection to Springfield, thence in a northeasterly direction tothe Webster-Greene County line. Another prong beginning at theLawrence-Greene County line, thence in an easterly directionconnecting with the above road west of Springfield. Beginning atSpringfield, thence southeast through Galloway to theChristian-Greene County line. Another prong beginning on theabove road just south of Galloway, thence east to theWebster-Greene County line near Rogersville. Beginning at theDade-Greene County line, thence in a southeasterly directionconnecting with the state road, west of Springfield. Beginningat the Polk-Greene County line, thence south to Springfield.Beginning at the Dallas-Greene County line, thence southwest toSpringfield. Beginning at the Lawrence-Greene County line,thence east connecting with the state road west of Republic.
Grundy County--Beginning at the Grundy-Daviess County line,thence in a northeasterly direction through Edinburg, Trenton andGalt to the Grundy-Sullivan County line. Beginning at theMercer-Grundy County line, thence south through Spickard, Tindalland Trenton to the Livingston County line.
Harrison County--Beginning at the Iowa-Missouri state line,thence south to Bethany, one prong running west to theGentry-Harrison County line by way of New Hampton and the otherrunning south to Harrison-Daviess County line. Beginning atBethany, thence in a northeasterly direction to theMercer-Harrison County line. Beginning south of Bethany, at theend of the south prong of the above road, and continuingsouthwestwardly to the Daviess-Harrison County line.
Henry County--Beginning at the Johnson-Henry County line nearPost Oak, thence south through Shawnee Mound, Clinton andDeepwater to the St. Clair-Henry County line. Beginning atClinton, thence northeast to Windsor via Lewis and Calhoun.Beginning at Windsor, thence west and north to the Johnson-HenryCounty line. Beginning at the St. Clair-Henry County line nearthe northwest corner of St. Clair County, thence north toMontrose and east to Deepwater, on the north and south road inHenry County.
Hickory County--Beginning at the Benton-Hickory County line,thence southeast and south through Cross Timbers and Preston tothe Dallas-Hickory County line at the northwest corner of DallasCounty. Beginning at Preston, thence west through Hermitage,Wheatland and Weaubleau to the St. Clair-Hickory County line eastof Collins. Beginning on east and west road between Weaubleauand Wheatland, thence north to Benton-Hickory County line viaQuincy.
Holt County--Beginning at the Atchison-Holt County line, nearMilton, thence south to a point east of Craig, where the roadforks, one fork going to Craig and the other continuing in asoutheasterly direction to Mound City. (One prong through MoundCity southwest of Bigelow.) From Mound City east about fivemiles to the Gibson Corner, thence south to Oregon. (One prongextending from the north and south road from the Gibson Corner toOregon, east to New Point.) (One prong from Oregon west toForest City.) From Oregon east and south to the Andrew-HoltCounty line at the state ferry. Beginning at the northeastcorner of Holt County, on the Nodaway-Holt County line, thencesouth through Maitland to a point directly east of Mound City,thence west to a point connecting with the Mound City-Oregonstate road.
Howard County--Beginning on the Missouri River at Glasgow,thence east and southeast through Fayette to the Howard-BooneCounty line at Rocheport. Beginning at the Randolph-HowardCounty line at Roanoke, thence south through Armstrong to theabove mentioned road northwest of Fayette. Beginning at Fayette,thence south to the Missouri River at Boonville via New Franklin.
Howell County--Beginning at the Texas-Howell County line,thence southeast through Willow Springs and West Plains to theHowell-Oregon County line near Koshkonong. Another prongbeginning at Willow Springs, thence east through Mountain View tothe Shannon-Howell County line. Beginning at the Ozark-HowellCounty line, thence in an east and northeasterly direction toWest Plains. From Mountain View north to Texas-Howell Countyline.
Iron County--Beginning at the Iron-Washington County linenear Caledonia, thence south to Belleview, thence south and eastto Ironton, thence south and west to Glover, thence in asoutherly direction through Sabula, Annapolis and Des Arc, to theIron-Wayne County line. Beginning at the Iron-Reynolds Countyline near Lesterville, thence north and east to Glover.Beginning at Ironton, thence south and east to the Iron-MadisonCounty line. Beginning at the Iron-Dent County line near Bixby,thence north and east through Bixby and Brule, a distanceapproximately twenty-five miles to a point on the road firstdescribed above, approximately one and one-half miles north ofBelleview.
Jackson County--Beginning at the Cass-Jackson County linenorth of Belton, thence north to Kansas City. Beginning atKansas City, thence in a southeasterly direction to Lee's Summit,Lonejack, to the Johnson-Jackson County line east of Lonejack.One prong leaving the above state road near Lee's Summit, thencein a southerly direction towards Harrisonville to theCass-Jackson County line. Another prong from the same road in asoutheasterly direction towards Pleasant Hill to the Jackson-CassCounty line. Beginning at the east city limits of Kansas City,Missouri, near Leeds, Missouri, and thence via the road known asthe Sni-A-Bar road to Grain Valley, Missouri, and thence in asoutheasterly direction via Oak Grove to the Lafayette-JacksonCounty line. Beginning at Kansas City, thence east by way ofIndependence and Levasy to the Lafayette-Jackson County line.
Jasper County--Beginning at the Newton-Jasper County linenear Joplin, thence north through Joplin and northeast and eastthrough Webb City to Carthage, thence north to the Barton-JasperCounty line. Beginning at Carthage, thence in a northeasterlydirection to the Lawrence-Jasper County line. Beginning at theLawrence-Jasper County line near the southeast corner of JasperCounty, thence west parallel with the Jasper-Newton County lineapproximately sixteen miles thence north to Carthage. Beginningat Joplin, thence in a northwesterly direction through CarlJunction to the Missouri-Kansas state line.
Jefferson County--Beginning at the Jefferson-St. Louis Countyline, thence south through Maxville, Kimmswick, Barnhart, Pevelyand Herculaneum to Festus, thence south and east to theJefferson-Ste. Genevieve County line. Beginning at Festus,thence south and west through Hematite, Victoria and DeSoto tothe Jefferson-Washington County line. Beginning at DeSoto,thence in a southerly direction to the Jefferson-St. FrancoisCounty line. Beginning at the Jefferson-Franklin County linenear Grubville, thence in a northeasterly direction throughOermann, Dittmer, Cedar Hill, House Springs and High Ridge to theSt. Louis County line, connecting with the Gravois road in St.Louis County.
Johnson County--Beginning at the Cass-Johnson County line,thence east through Kingsville, Holden, Centerview, Warrensburg,and Knob Noster to the Pettis-Johnson County line. Beginning atWarrensburg, thence south to a point one-half mile north ofLeeton where the road forks, one fork going south and west viaPost Oak to the Johnson-Henry County line on the Clinton road,and the other south and east via Leeton to the Johnson-HenryCounty line on the Windsor road. Beginning at theJohnson-Jackson County line near the southeast corner of JacksonCounty east of Lonejack, thence south and east to a point west ofWarrensburg, intersecting with the road first described above.
Knox County--Beginning at the Knox-Adair County line, nearHurdland, thence easterly through Hurdland, Edina and Knox City,to the Knox-Lewis County line. Beginning at the Scotland-KnoxCounty line, thence south through Barring, Edina and Plevna, tothe Knox-Shelby County line.
Laclede County--Beginning at the Laclede-Webster County line,thence northeast through Lebanon to the Pulaski-Laclede Countyline. Beginning at Lebanon, thence north via Dove to theCamden-Laclede County line near Decaturville. From Lebanonsoutheast to Wright-Laclede County line.
Lafayette County--Beginning at the Lafayette-Jackson Countyline just east of Levasy, thence east by Wellington, Lexington,Dover, Waverly to the Saline-Lafayette County line. Beginning atthe Jackson-Lafayette County line, thence in an easterlydirection through Odessa and Higginsville to the Saline-LafayetteCounty line. Beginning at Lexington, thence in a southeasterlydirection to Higginsville.
Lawrence County--Beginning at the Barry-Lawrence County line,thence in a northeasterly direction through Verona, Aurora,Marionville, and McKinley to the Christian-Lawrence County line.Beginning at the Lawrence-Jasper County line near the southeastcorner of Jasper County, thence east to Mount Vernon to theGreene-Lawrence County line near the southwest corner of GreeneCounty. Beginning at the Lawrence-Jasper County line northeastof Carthage, thence east to the Greene-Lawrence County line.
Lewis County--Beginning at the Lewis-Knox County line nearLaBelle, thence easterly through LaBelle, Lewistown andMonticello to Canton. Beginning again at the Lewis-Clark Countyline near Gregory Landing, thence south through Canton andLaGrange to the Lewis-Marion County line near Taylor.
Lincoln County--Beginning at the Lincoln-Pike County linenear Eolia, thence in a southerly direction to Troy, thence southand east through Moscow Mills to the Lincoln-St. Charles Countyline. Beginning at the Lincoln-Warren County line south of HawkPoint, thence north to Hawk Point, thence north and east throughTroy to Winfield, thence south to the Lincoln-St. Charles Countyline.
Linn County--Beginning at the Linn-Livingston County line,west of Meadville, thence east through Meadville, Laclede,Brookfield and Bucklin, to the Linn-Macon County line. Beginningat the Linn-Sullivan County line, thence southwest to Linneus,thence south and east through Brookfield and Marceline to theLinn-Chariton County line.
Livingston County--Beginning at the Livingston-CaldwellCounty line, thence north and east through Mooresville, Utica,Chillicothe and Wheeling to the Livingston-Linn County line, westof Meadville. Beginning at the Livingston-Grundy County line,thence in a southeasterly direction through Farmersville,Chillicothe and Avalon to the Livingston-Carroll County line.
McDonald County--Beginning at the Newton-McDonald Countyline, thence south through Anderson and Noel to theArkansas-Missouri state line. Beginning at Noel, thencesouthwest to the Arkansas-Missouri state line, near the southwestcorner of McDonald County. Another prong beginning on the stateroad south of Anderson at Lanagan, thence east to Pineville andsoutheasterly to the Arkansas-Missouri state line. From Andersonnortheast to Rocky Comfort.
Macon County--Beginning at the Macon-Linn County line east ofBucklin, thence easterly through New Cambria, Callao, Bevier andMacon to the Macon-Shelby County line, near Anabel. Beginning atthe Macon-Adair County line north of LaPlata, thence souththrough LaPlata, Atlanta, Macon and Excello to the Macon-RandolphCounty line.
Madison County--Beginning at the Madison-St. Francois Countyline near Mine LaMotte, thence south and east to Fredericktown,thence to the Madison-Wayne County line near Coldwater.Beginning at the Madison-Iron County line east of Arcadia, thencein an easterly direction through Fredericktown to theMadison-Bollinger County line near Patton.
Maries County--Beginning at the Maries-Osage County line nearFreeburg, thence south and east through Vienna to theMaries-Pulaski County line near Dixon. Beginning at theMaries-Osage-Gasconade County line east of Belle, thence southand west through Belle and Hawkins Store to Vienna. Beginningagain at Hawkins Store, thence south and east to theMaries-Phelps County line near St. James.
Marion County--Beginning at the Marion-Shelby County linenear Hunnewell, thence east and north through Ely to Hannibal.Beginning at the Marion-Lewis County line north of Taylor, thencesouth through Taylor to Palmyra, thence south and east toHannibal, thence south and west to the Marion-Ralls County line,near Oakwood. Beginning at Palmyra, thence westwardly toPhiladelphia to the Marion-Shelby County line.
Mercer County--Beginning at the Mercer-Harrison County line,thence north and east through Princeton and Ravanna, to theMercer-Putnam County line. Beginning at the Missouri-Iowa stateline in Mercer County, at Lineville, thence south and westthrough the towns of Mercer and Princeton to the Mercer-GrundyCounty line.
Miller County--Beginning at the Cole-Miller County line eastof Eldon, thence west to Eldon and southwest to Camden-MillerCounty line by the way of Bagnell. Beginning at theMorgan-Miller County line northwest of Eldon, thence in asoutheasterly direction via Eldon, Tuscumbia, Iberia via Petricanford of Big Tavern Creek to the Pulaski-Miller County line northof Crocker. Beginning at Tuscumbia, thence northwest toCole-Miller County line near Eugene.
Mississippi County--Beginning at the Mississippi-Scott Countyline near Buckeye, thence north and east through Charleston toBirds Point. Beginning at the Mississippi-Scott County line nearDiehlstadt, thence southeasterly approximately four miles to theroad described above. Beginning at Charleston, thence southerlyto a point near Anniston where the road forks, one portionextending to Wolf Island and the other to the southwest to theMississippi-New Madrid County line near East Prairie.
Monroe County--Beginning at the Monroe-Randolph County line,thence northeasterly through Madison to Paris, thencesoutheasterly to the Monroe-Ralls County line, west of Perry.Beginning at the Monroe-Marion County line at Monroe City, thencesouth and west through Monroe City and Stoutsville to Paris.Beginning at Paris, thence south and east to the Monroe-AudrainCounty line. Beginning at the Monroe-Shelby County line, southof Shelbina, thence south and east to Paris.
Moniteau County--Beginning at Cooper-Moniteau County linenear the Moniteau-Morgan County line, thence east through Tiptonand California to the Cole-Moniteau County line. Beginning atTipton, thence south to the Morgan-Moniteau County line throughFortuna. Beginning at California, thence north to theCooper-Moniteau County line on the Prairie Home road.
Montgomery County--Beginning at the Montgomery-CallawayCounty line west of Mineola, thence easterly to Mineola, thencenortheasterly to Danville, thence south and east through HighHill and Jonesburg to the Montgomery-Warren County line.Beginning at the Montgomery-Audrain County line, thence south andeast through Wellsville, Montgomery, New Florence, Big Spring andMcKittrick to the Missouri River.
Morgan County--Beginning at the Moniteau-Morgan County linenear Fortuna, thence south through Versailles and Gravois Mill tothe Camden-Morgan County line. Beginning at the Benton-MorganCounty line, thence east to Versailles and southeast throughBarnett to the Morgan-Miller County line near Eldon.
New Madrid County--Beginning at the New Madrid-Scott Countyline south of Sikeston, thence in a southerly direction to NewMadrid, thence southwest through Portageville to the NewMadrid-Pemiscot County line. Beginning at the New Madrid-DunklinCounty line at Malden, thence in an easterly direction throughRisco to a point in the above described road north of Marston.Beginning at the New Madrid-Stoddard County line near Morehouse,thence in a northeasterly direction through Morehouse to the NewMadrid-Scott County line.
Newton County--Beginning at the Jasper-Newton County linenear Joplin, thence southeast to Neosho, thence southwest to theNewton-McDonald County line. Beginning at the Oklahoma-Missouristate line at Seneca, thence east through Neosho, via Granby, tothe Barry-Newton County line near the northwest corner of BarryCounty.
Nodaway County--Beginning at the Missouri-Iowa state linenear Hopkins, thence south through Pickering, Maryville andBarnard, to the Nodaway-Andrew County line. Beginning at theNodaway-Atchison County line, thence east and south throughBurlington Junction to Maryville, connecting with the north andsouth state road. Beginning again on the north and south road,south of Maryville, thence easterly through Ravenwood to theNodaway-Gentry County line.
Oregon County--Beginning at the Oregon-Howell County linenorth of Koshkonong, thence south and east through Koshkonong andThayer to the Missouri-Arkansas state line. Beginning at theOregon-Shannon County line south of Birch Tree, thence south andeast through Alton to the Oregon-Ripley County line. From Altonsouthwest to Thayer.
Osage County--Beginning at Huber's Ferry at the Osage-ColeCounty line, thence in an easterly direction to Loose Creek andLinn to the Osage-Gasconade County line near Mt. Sterling.Beginning at Chamois, thence south and west to an intersectionwith the above road, approximately nine miles east of Linn.Beginning at the Huber's Ferry and thence south and east throughWestphalia and Freeburg to the Osage-Maries County line.
Ozark County--Beginning at the Douglas-Ozark County line,thence southeast to Gainesville, thence easterly to theHowell-Ozark County line. Beginning at Gainesville,southwesterly to the Arkansas-Missouri state line. Beginning ator near the Douglas-Ozark County line on the state road from Avato Gainesville, thence southwest via or in the vicinity of Foilto Thornfield, thence southwest to Longrun.
Pemiscot County--Beginning at the Pemiscot-New Madrid Countyline near Portageville, thence south and west through Hayti,Canady, Steele and Holland to the Missouri-Arkansas state line.Beginning at the Pemiscot-Dunklin County line east of Kennett,thence east to Hayti and thence southeast to Caruthersville.
Pettis County--Beginning at the Johnson-Pettis County line,thence east through Sedalia and Smithton to the Morgan-PettisCounty line. Beginning at the Saline-Pettis County line, thencesouth through Sedalia to the Pettis-Benton County line nearIonia. Beginning at the Pettis-Henry County line at Windsor,thence due east approximately nine and one-half miles to anintersection with the north and south road described above.
Perry County--Beginning at the Perry-Ste. Genevieve Countyline south of St. Marys, thence south and east through Perryvilleand Longtown to the Perry-Cape Girardeau County line nearAppleton. Beginning on the Mississippi River near Claryville,thence south and west through Perryville via Silver Lake to thePerry-Bollinger County line near Alliance.
Phelps County--Beginning at the Phelps-Pulaski County line,thence north and east through Newburg, Rolla and St. James to thePhelps-Crawford County line. Beginning at the Phelps-TexasCounty line, thence north and east through Edgar Springs toRolla. Beginning at the Phelps-Maries County line, thence southand east to St. James.
Pike County--Beginning at the Pike-Ralls County line nearFrankford, thence south and east through Frankford, McCune andBowling Green, to Eolia, thence south to the Pike-Lincoln Countyline. From Louisiana to Bowling Green, thence west toPike-Audrain County line east of Vandalia.
Platte County--Beginning at the Platte-Buchanan County line,thence south through Dearborn, Platte City, thencesoutheastwardly through Parkville, to the Platte-Clay Countyline, at the southeast corner of Platte County. Beginning at theMissouri River opposite Leavenworth, Kansas, thence east toPlatte City, thence eastwardly to the Platte-Clay County line.Beginning at the Platte-Clay County line west of Nashua, thencewestwardly to a point connecting with the road first describedabove.
Polk County--Beginning at the Cedar-Polk County line west ofFairplay, thence east through Fairplay to Bolivar, thence southto the Greene-Polk County line. Beginning at the St. Clair-PolkCounty line, thence south to Fairplay, via Humansville andDunnegan. Beginning at Bolivar, thence east to the Dallas-PolkCounty line.
Pulaski County--Beginning at the Pulaski-Laclede County line,thence north and east through Laquey and Waynesville to thePulaski-Phelps County line. Beginning at the Pulaski-MariesCounty line near Dixon, thence in a southerly direction throughDixon to Anderson's School, connecting with the above describedroad, approximately seven miles east of Waynesville. Beginningat the Pulaski-Miller County line, thence south and west viaCrocker to Waynesville. Beginning at Waynesville, thence southvia Bloodland to the Pulaski-Texas County line.
Putnam County--Beginning at the Putnam-Mercer County line,near Ravanna, thence easterly through Unionville and Livonia tothe Putnam-Schuyler County line. Beginning at the Missouri-Iowastate line north of Unionville, thence south to Unionville,thence south and west to the Putnam-Sullivan County line.
Ralls County--Beginning at the Ralls-Marion County line nearOakwood, thence south and west to New London, thence south andeast to the Ralls-Pike County line, near Frankford. Beginning atthe Ralls-Monroe County line, thence east to Perry, thence northand east through Center to New London. Beginning at Perry,thence in a southerly direction to the Audrain County line.
Randolph County--Beginning at the Randolph-Chariton Countyline, thence east and south through Huntsville, Moberly and Clarkto the Randolph-Audrain County line. Beginning at theRandolph-Macon County line south of Excello, thence south throughCairo and Jacksonville to Moberly, thence north and east to theRandolph-Monroe County line. Beginning at the Randolph-BooneCounty line near Clark, thence north a distance of approximatelythree miles and connecting with the road as described above.Beginning at the Randolph-Howard County line, thence north andeast to Huntsville.
Ray County--Beginning at the road at the Clay County line,near Excelsior Springs, thence south and east through Richmondand Hardin, to the Ray-Carroll County line. Beginning at theRay-Caldwell County line south of Kingston, thence south and eastto Richmond. From Richmond southeast to Lexington.
Reynolds County--Beginning at the Reynolds-Iron County linenear Glover, thence westerly to Centerville, then south throughEllington to the Reynolds-Carter County line, approximately fourmiles west of Garwood. Beginning at Garwood, thence easterly tothe Reynolds-Wayne County line. From Centerville northwest toStone Hill.
Ripley County--Beginning at the Ripley-Oregon County line,thence easterly through Doniphan to the Ripley-Butler County linenear Fairdealing. Beginning at a point on the road describedabove, approximately two miles east of Doniphan, thencenorthwardly to the Ripley-Carter County line near Grandin. FromDoniphan in a southwesterly direction to Arkansas state line,connecting with Arkansas state road.
St. Charles County--Beginning at the Warren-St. CharlesCounty line east of Warrenton, thence in an easterly direction toSt. Charles, thence in a northerly and easterly direction to theMississippi River north of West Alton. Beginning on the abovedescribed road near Wentzville, thence in a northerly directionvia Wentzville to the Lincoln-St. Charles County line south ofMoscow Mills. Beginning at the Lincoln-St. Charles County linesouth of Winfield, thence in a southeasterly direction to St.Peters.
St. Clair County--Beginning at the Henry-St. Clair Countyline, thence southeast through Lowry City and Osceola and Collinsto the Polk-St. Clair County line. Also a prong from Collinseast to the Hickory-St. Clair County line. Beginning at theCedar-St. Clair County line near El Dorado Springs, thencenortheast and east via Tiffin to Osceola. Beginning at theBates-St. Clair County line west of Appleton City, thence eastand north to the Henry-St. Clair County line, south of Montrose.
St. Francois County--Beginning at the St. Francois-JeffersonCounty line near the M.R. & B.T. tunnel, thence south to BonneTerre, thence in a southeasterly direction through Desloge, St.Francois, Flat River, Farmington and Libertyville to the St.Francois-Madison County line. Beginning at the St.Francois-Washington County line, approximately one mile west ofBismarck near the southern boundary of Washington County, thencenorth and east through Bismarck and Elvins to Flat River.Beginning at Farmington, thence in an easterly direction to theSt. Francois-Ste. Genevieve County line.
Ste. Genevieve County--Beginning at the Ste.Genevieve-Jefferson County line near Danby, thence south and eastthrough Bloomsdale to Ste. Genevieve, thence in a southerlydirection through St. Marys to the Ste. Genevieve-Perry Countyline. Beginning at the Ste. Genevieve-St. Francois County lineeast of Farmington, thence east and north through Weingarten toSte. Genevieve.
St. Louis County--Beginning at the city limits of St. Louisat Wellston, thence in a northwesterly direction over what isknown as the St. Charles Rock Road to the Missouri River bridgeat the city of St. Charles. Beginning at the city limits of St.Louis, thence in a westerly direction through Manchester andBallwin, over what is known as the Manchester Road to theFranklin County line. Beginning at the city limits of St. Louis,thence in a southwesterly direction over what is known as theGravois Road to the St. Louis-Jefferson County line. Beginningat the city limits of St. Louis, thence in southwesterlydirection over what is known as the Lemay Ferry Road to the St.Louis-Jefferson County line.
Saline County--Beginning at the Pettis-Saline County line,thence north through Marshall, continuing north to the MissouriRiver and the Carroll-Saline County line. Beginning at theSaline-Lafayette County line near Waverly, thence in an easterlyand southerly direction through Malta Bend, Marshall to ArrowRock on the Missouri River. Beginning at the Lafayette-SalineCounty line east of Higginsville, thence in an easterly directionto Marshall, thence in a northeasterly direction via Slater andGilliam to the Missouri River near Glasgow.
Schuyler County--Beginning at the Schuyler-Putnam Countyline, thence north and east through Glenwood to Lancaster, thencesouth and east through Downing to the Schuyler-Scotland Countyline. Beginning at the Missouri-Iowa state line north ofLancaster to Lancaster, thence southwest through Queen City andGreen Top to the Schuyler-Adair County line.
Scotland County--Beginning at the Schuyler-Scotland Countyline, thence south and east to Memphis, thence easterly throughArbela and Granger to the Scotland-Clark County line. Beginningat the Missouri-Iowa state line, thence south through Memphis tothe Scotland-Knox County line.
Scott County--Beginning at the Scott-Cape Girardeau Countyline south of Cape Girardeau, thence south and west throughKelso, Benton, Morley and Sikeston to the Scott-New Madrid Countyline. Beginning at Benton, thence south and east to theScott-Mississippi County line, near Diehlstadt. Beginning at theScott-New Madrid County line, thence northeasterly throughSikeston to the Scott-Mississippi County line.
Shannon County--Beginning at the Shannon-Howell County linenear Mountain View, thence eastwardly through Birch Tree to theShannon-Carter County line. Beginning at Eminence, thence souththrough Winona to the road described above. Beginning at BirchTree, thence southwardly to the Shannon-Oregon County line. FromEminence north to Shannon-Dent County line, crossing at a pointbetween Rector and Sinking post offices.
Shelby County--Beginning at the Shelby-Macon County line,thence south and east through Clarence, Lentner and Shelbina andLakenan to the Shelby-Marion County line near Hunnewell.Beginning at the Shelby-Knox County line, thence south and eastthrough Bethel to Shelbyville, thence south to Shelbina.Beginning at Shelbina, thence south and east to the Monroe Countyline.
Stoddard County--Beginning at the Stoddard-Butler County linenear Fisk, thence easterly through Dudley and Dexter to theStoddard-New Madrid County line near Morehouse. Beginning at theStoddard-Cape Girardeau County line near the western boundary toCape Girardeau County, thence in a southerly direction throughAdvance, Bloomfield, Dexter and Bernie to the Stoddard-DunklinCounty line. Beginning at the Bollinger-Stoddard County linenear Puxico, thence southwardly to a point below Puxico.Beginning at the Bollinger-Stoddard County line, thence southeastto Advance.
Stone County--Beginning at the Lawrence-Stone County line atthe northwest corner of Stone County, thence southeast throughCrane, Galena to Reed Springs, thence south to theArkansas-Missouri state line at Blue Eye. Beginning on the aboveroad just north of the Arkansas state line, thence in anortheasterly direction towards Hollister to the Taney-StoneCounty line. Beginning at the Stone-Christian County line,thence in a southeasterly direction to the Stone-Taney Countyline. From Galena east via Abesville to north and south stateroad from Ozark to Branson. From Galena west to Stone-BarryCounty line.
Sullivan County--Beginning at the Sullivan-Grundy County linenear Galt, thence north and east through Humphrey, Reger andMilan, Green City and Greencastle to the Sullivan-Adair Countyline. Beginning at the Sullivan-Putnam County line, thence southand west through Milan to the Sullivan-Linn County line atBrowning.
Taney County--Beginning at the Stone-Taney County line nearthe northwest corner of Taney County, thence southeast toBranson, thence south through Hollister to the Arkansas-Missouristate line. Beginning at the Stone-Taney County line, thencenortheast to a point two and one-half miles south of Hollister.Beginning again at Branson, thence in an east and northerlydirection to Forsyth, thence in a northwest and west direction tothe Stone-Taney County line. From Forsyth northeast via Dickens,Taneyville, Bradleyville and Brown Branch to Taney-Douglas Countyline.
Texas County--Beginning at the Wright-Texas County line nearMountain Grove, thence east to Cabool, thence in a northeasterlydirection to Houston, thence in an easterly and northerlydirection through Licking to the Phelps-Texas County line northof Licking. Beginning at Licking, thence in a northeasterlydirection to the Dent-Texas County line southwest of Ranger.Beginning on the state road east of Houston, thence in asoutheasterly direction and southerly direction via Summervilleto the Howell-Texas County line, near the southeast corner ofTexas County. Beginning at Houston, thence in a northwesterlydirection via Plato to the Pulaski-Texas County line. Beginningat Cabool, thence in a southeasterly direction to theHowell-Texas County line northwest of Willow Springs.
Vernon County--Beginning at the Bates-Vernon County linesouth of Rich Hill, thence south through Arthur and Horton toNevada and southeast through Milo and Sheldon to theBarton-Vernon County line. Beginning at the Missouri-Kansasstate line, thence east through Deerfield and Nevada to theCedar-Vernon County line west of El Dorado Springs.
Warren County--Beginning at the Warren-Montgomery County linenear Jonesburg, thence south and east through Warrenton to theWarren-St. Charles County line. Beginning at the Warren-LincolnCounty line, south of Hawk Point, thence south to Warrenton.Beginning at Warrenton, thence south and east throughMarthasville and Dutzow to the Missouri River.
Washington County--Beginning at the Washington-JeffersonCounty line, thence southwest to Potosi, thence south and eastthrough Caledonia to the Washington-Iron County line. Beginningat the Washington-Crawford County line, thence in an easterlydirection to Potosi. Beginning at Caledonia, thence in asoutheasterly direction to the Washington-St. Francois Countyline, approximately one mile west of Bismarck.
Wayne County--Beginning at the Wayne-Reynolds County linenear the southern boundary of Reynolds County, thence east toLeeper, thence in a northerly direction to Piedmont, thence northand east through Sylvia to the Wayne-Bollinger County line.Beginning at the Wayne-Iron County line near Des Arc, thencesouth to Piedmont. Beginning at the Wayne-Madison County linenear Coldwater, thence south through Coldwater, Sylvia andGreenville to the Wayne-Butler County line.
Webster County--Beginning at the Greene-Webster County line,thence northeast to Northview, thence to Marshfield, thencenortheast and north via Niangua to the Laclede-Webster Countyline. Beginning at the Greene-Webster County line nearRogersville, thence east through Rogersville, Fordland, Digginsand Seymour to the Wright-Webster County line.
Worth County--Beginning at the Worth-Nodaway County line,east through Grant City and Allendale to the Worth-HarrisonCounty line. Beginning at the Missouri-Iowa state line,connecting with the Iowa state primary road, thence south,approximately one-half mile east of Irena, thence south throughGrant City and Worth, to the Worth-Gentry County line.
Wright County--Beginning at the Webster-Wright County line,thence east through Mansfield and Mountain Grove to theTexas-Wright County line. Beginning at Hartville, thencesouthwest through Mansfield to the Wright-Douglas County line.From Hartville northeast, via Grove Spring to Laclede-WrightCounty line.
Southern highway connection--Beginning at the Pettis-MorganCounty line east of Smithton, thence in an easterly directionconnecting with the east and west road in Moniteau County northof Tipton; provided, that the highways and transportationcommission is authorized and empowered to designate the routesand types of the higher type roads of approximately one thousandfive hundred miles connecting the principal population centers ofthe state, and to make such changes in the routes of said roadsas it may deem necessary in the interest of economy anddirectness of routes, and is authorized to commence theconstruction of said higher type roads at such place or places onsuch routes as it may deem advisable; provided further, that nochanges in designation shall increase the total mileage of thestate highway system.
(RSMo 1939 § 8768)Prior revision: 1929 § 8120