226.959. Applications and requests by landowners on land abutting or in corridor, copies to be furnished to commission.
Applications and requests by landowners on land abutting or incorridor, copies to be furnished to commission.
226.959. Whenever a corridor map or any amendment thereto has beenfiled by the commission pursuant to sections 226.950 to 226.973, eachaffected regulatory authority shall refer to the commission a copy of anyof the following when it is received, with respect to any lot, tract orparcel of land which abuts or is located wholly or partially within thehighway corridor:
(1) An application or request for a building permit for theconstruction of a new commercial, industrial or residential building or anincrease in the square footage of an existing commercial or industrialbuilding;
(2) An application or request for a zoning change, variance orexception;
(3) An application or request to approve a subdivision plat or platof other proposed development; or
(4) An application or request for a modification of existing setbacklines from highways.
(L. 1995 S.B. 212 § 226.954 subsec. 1)