226.957. Exceptions to highway corridor law--fee to be paid to city or county on filing of corridor map by commission.
Exceptions to highway corridor law--fee to be paid to city or countyon filing of corridor map by commission.
226.957. 1. Sections 226.952 to 226.957 shall not apply to, and thecommission shall not attempt to file or record corridor maps in those areasof the state having no regulatory authority.
2. Sections 226.952 to 226.957 shall not apply to, and the commissionshall not file or record a corridor map for a highway corridor of a new orrelocated state highway project funded with state funds and without anyfederal funds.
3. In order to compensate a regulatory authority for the activitiesrequired under sections 226.950 to 226.973, the commission shall pay afiling fee in the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars to the regulatoryauthority when a corridor map or a revised corridor map is filed with theregulatory authority.
4. Sections 226.952 to 226.957 shall not apply to, and the commissionshall not file or record a corridor map for, a highway corridor for a newor relocated state highway to be located within an area which is alreadydeveloped at or near its maximum use with commercial, industrial orresidential structures.
(L. 1995 S.B. 212 § 226.952 subsecs. 4 to 7)