226.570. Highways and transportation commission to remove and pay for signs, order of removal--funds must be available before removal--removal of certain signs must be ordered by Secretary of Transpor
Highways and transportation commission to remove and pay for signs,order of removal--funds must be available before removal--removalof certain signs must be ordered by Secretary of Transportation.
226.570. 1. The state highways and transportationcommission is directed to acquire by purchase, exchange,agreement, eminent domain, gift or condemnation, and shall payjust compensation for the removal of lawfully existing outdooradvertising signs, displays and devices not permitted to bemaintained under sections 226.500 to 226.600, but any signsadvertising tourist oriented type business will be the last to beremoved. Eminent domain shall be exercised in accordance withthe provisions of chapter 523, RSMo.
(1) Just compensation shall be paid for outdoor advertisingand all property rights pertaining to same which are acquiredincluding the taking from the owner of such sign, display, ordevice, and in his leasehold or other interest in the land; andthe taking from the owner of the real property on which the sign,display, or device is located, of the right to erect and maintainsuch signs, displays, and devices thereon.
(2) Despite any contrary provision in sections 226.500 to226.600, no lawfully existing sign shall be required to beremoved unless at the time of removal there are sufficient funds,from whatever source, appropriated and allocated and available tothis state with which to pay the just compensation required underthis section, and unless at such time the federal funds requiredto be contributed to this state under section 131(g) of Title 23,United States Code, have been appropriated and allocated and areimmediately available to this state.
2. Any outdoor advertising in existence along the interstateor primary system on March 30, 1972, which is not subject toremoval pursuant to section 226.580 and which is not inconformity with the provisions of sections 226.500 to 226.600shall not be required to be removed until such removal isrequired by the Secretary of Transportation. Outdoor advertisingwithin six hundred sixty feet of the right-of-way of aninterstate or primary highway shall not be required to be removedunless such removal is pursuant to this section or section226.580.
(L. 1965 2d Ex. Sess. p. 900 § 8, A.L. 1972 S.B. 382)Effective 3-30-72