226.527. Signs not to be visible from main highway--removal, compensation--no removal, when--local law applicable, when, extent.
Signs not to be visible from main highway--removal, compensation--noremoval, when--local law applicable, when, extent.
226.527. 1. On and after August 13, 1976, no outdoor advertisingshall be erected or maintained beyond six hundred and sixty feet of theright-of-way, located outside of urban areas, visible from the maintraveled way of the interstate or primary system and erected with thepurpose of its message being read from such traveled way, except suchoutdoor advertising as is defined in subdivisions (1) and (2) of section226.520.
2. No compensation shall be paid for the removal of any sign erectedin violation of subsection 1 of this section unless otherwise authorized orpermitted by sections 226.501 to 226.580. No sign erected prior to August13, 1976, which would be in violation of this section if it were erected ormaintained after August 13, 1976, shall be removed unless such removal isrequired by the Secretary of Transportation and federal funds required tobe contributed to this state under Section 131(g) of Title 23, UnitedStates Code, to pay compensation for such removal have been appropriatedand allocated and are immediately available to this state, and in suchevent, such sign shall be removed pursuant to section 226.570.
3. In the event any portion of this chapter is found in noncompliancewith Title 23, United States Code, Section 131, by the Secretary ofTransportation or his representative, and any portion of federal-aidhighway funds or funds authorized for removal of outdoor advertising arewithheld, or declared forfeited by the Secretary of Transportation or hisrepresentative, all removal of outdoor advertising by the Missouri statehighways and transportation commission pursuant to this chapter shallcease, and shall not be resumed until such funds are restored in full.Such cessation of removal shall not be construed to affect compensation foroutdoor advertising removed or in the process of removal pursuant to thischapter.
4. In addition to any applicable regulations set forth in sections226.500 through 226.600, signs within an area subject to control by a localzoning authority and wherever located within such area shall be subject toreasonable regulations of that local zoning authority relative to size,lighting, spacing, and location; provided, however, that no local zoningauthority shall have authority to require any sign within its jurisdictionwhich was lawfully erected and which is maintained in good repair to beremoved without the payment of just compensation.
5. When a legally erected billboard exists on a parcel of property, alocal zoning authority shall not adopt or enforce any ordinance, order,rule, regulation or practice that eliminates the ability of a propertyowner to build or develop property or erect an on-premise sign solelybecause a legally erected billboard exists on the property.
(L. 1976 H.B. 1478, A.L. 2007 S.B. 22)