226.455. Commission's duties.
Commission's duties.
226.455. The duties of the commission shall be:
(1) To advise the state transportation departmentin the implementation of the powers of the departmentconferred under the provisions of sections 226.280 to 226.430,RSMo 1978;
(2) To promote the best interests of the state before thegovernment of the United States, Canada, the Great River RoadsCommission and the national Mississippi River Parkway Commissionin the development and construction of the Mississippi RiverParkway and Great River Road;
(3) To advise the governor and the general assembly when, inthe judgment of the commission, action should be taken which willbetter promote the development of commerce and trade in countiescontiguous to the Mississippi River in Missouri; and
(4) To make reports to the highways and transportationcommission as required.
(L. 1979 S.B. 489)