226.330. State transportation department to accept donations of and acquire lands.

State transportation department to accept donations ofand acquire lands.

226.330. If, as a result of such required surveys, maps andestimates, the Secretary of the Interior shall be satisfied thatone or more desirable parkway routes are available, then thestate transportation department of this state be andit hereby is authorized to accept donations of and acquire lands,interests in lands, islands, waters, easements and other propertyand thereafter convey same to the United States on behalf of thisstate, or such of its political subdivisions or private partiesmay convey necessary or convenient property or easements for suchprojected parkway, together with sites in connection therewithacquired or to be acquired for recreational or naturalisticpurposes. Thereafter, such areas shall constitute such nationalparkway in this state.

(RSMo 1939 § 8795)