226.135. Commission authorized to contract with other jurisdictions--multistate permits for certain vehicles--fees--over-dimension permit fund established.
Commission authorized to contract with other jurisdictions--multistatepermits for certain vehicles--fees--over-dimension permit fundestablished.
226.135. 1. The state highways and transportationcommission shall have the authority to enter into one or moreagreements with appropriate authorities within other states forthe issuance of a multistate or regional permit for vehicles andequipment exceeding the legal limitations on width, length,height and weight, or which are unable to maintain minimum speedlimits. Such permits shall be issued by the chief engineer ofthe state department of transportation, or his counterpartin another state subject to such an agreement withthe commission, for good cause shown and when the public safetyor public interest so justifies. Such permits shall be issuedonly for a single trip or for a definite period, not exceedingthe maximum period set forth in the multistate agreement withthe commission, and shall designate the highways and bridgeswithin Missouri which may be used under the authority of suchpermit.
2. The chief engineer of the department of transportationshall have authority to collect permit fees for Missouriand for the other state or states subject to an agreementauthorized in subsection 1 of this section, in thesame manner as he now collects fees for permits for vehicles andequipment exceeding width, length, height and weight limits, orwhich are unable to maintain minimum speed limits, for travelexclusively within Missouri. Within each agreement authorizedin this section, the highways and transportation commission mayauthorize officials in another state or states subject to thatagreement to collect fees for and on behalf of the commission aswell as other states, in compensation for the issuance of suchpermits for those vehicles and equipment to travel on Missourihighways and bridges. Permit fees for multistate travel forsuch vehicles and equipment shall be established andreestablished within each agreement authorized in this section,and any amendments thereto.
3. The permit fees collected by the chief engineer onbehalf of other jurisdictions under agreements made undersubsection 1 of this section are hereby designated as "nonstatefunds" within the meaning of section 15, article IV,Constitution of Missouri, and shall be immediately transmittedto the department of revenue of the state for deposit to thecredit of a special fund which is hereby created and designatedas the "Over-Dimension Permit Fund". The chief engineer shallnot less frequently than once each month direct the payment of,and the director of revenue shall pay, the fees so collected tothe appropriate other jurisdictions. All income derived fromthe investment of the over-dimension permit fund by the directorof revenue shall be credited to the state road fund. Theportion of those permit fees collected by another state orstates pursuant to the terms of the agreement authorized by thissection and owing to the Missouri highways and transportationcommission shall be deposited into the state road fund, asprovided in the agreement.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1684 § 2)