219.041. Incentive subsidy program authorized--advisory committee, how appointed--juvenile judge to submit report, contents of--inspections by director--notice of noncompliance, how given--county to s
Incentive subsidy program authorized--advisory committee, howappointed--juvenile judge to submit report, contents of--inspectionsby director--notice of noncompliance, how given--county to selectservices, costs, how paid.
219.041. 1. To encourage the development of community basedtreatment services, the director is hereby authorized toadminister an incentive subsidy program to assist local units ofgovernment in the development, implementation, and operation ofcommunity based treatment programs including, but not limited to,preventive or diversionary programs, probation services,community based treatment centers, and facilities for thedetention, confinement, care and treatment of children under thepurview of chapter 211, RSMo.
2. The director shall, pursuant to the administrativeprocedures act, chapter 536, RSMo, promulgate rules establishingstandards of eligibility for local units of government to receivefunds under sections 219.011 to 219.086. Rule and regulationmaking power shall be subject to the provisions of section219.016, subsection 6.
3. In determining the purposes for which funds will beexpended by the juvenile court judge, he shall appoint anadvisory committee representative of the county's population.The committee shall actively participate in the formulation ofplans for the proper expenditure of funds and shall cooperate andassist in the implementation of these plans. Members of theadvisory committee shall receive no compensation.
4. The juvenile court judge shall submit to the director awritten report containing a program description, method ofimplementation, and budget of all projects proposed to be fundedunder this provision. Upon approval of this report by thedirector, the county shall be eligible to receive subsidy.
5. The director shall visit or cause to be visited eachprogram and facility funded by this provision, the purpose ofsuch visits to be the examination of facilities, programs, books,and records. He shall make written recommendations for neededchanges or improvements.
6. When the director shall determine that there arereasonable grounds to believe that a county is not in compliancewith the operating standards established pursuant to subsection 2of this section, at least thirty days' notice shall be given thecounty and a hearing shall be held to ascertain whether progresshas been made toward compliance. The director may suspend all ora portion of any subsidy until the required standard of operationhas been met.
7. Any county may purchase selected services from thedivision by contract as provided in sections 219.011 to 219.086.The director shall annually determine the costs of providing suchservices and all charges shall be deducted from the subsidy dueand payable to the county concerned, provided that no contractshall exceed in cost the amount of subsidy to which theparticipating county is eligible.
8. Participating counties shall not diminish or reduce theirlevel of spending for juvenile correctional programs in order toremain eligible to receive subsidy for the specific program beingsubsidized.
(L. 1975 S.B. 170 § 8)