219.036. Employment of division personnel--merit system--annual report--master plan--written policy required--director of division to be agent of state to deal with federal government.

Employment of division personnel--merit system--annual report--masterplan--written policy required--director of division to be agent ofstate to deal with federal government.

219.036. 1. The director, subject to the supervision ofthe department director, shall employ all employees, as providedin chapter 36, RSMo, and is authorized to employ in anyappropriate capacity any person qualified under the provisions ofsections 219.011 to 219.086 even though such person haspreviously been convicted of a crime.

2. The director shall set forth the duties andresponsibilities of all employees of the division.

3. The director shall prepare and update a master plancovering a period of not less than five years outlining thestructural, legislative, and program and facility changesnecessary for improvement of services to children committed toit.

4. The director shall also prepare an annual report whichshall consist of a description of progress made toward theachievement of objectives contained in the master plan; astatistical analysis of juvenile delinquency in Missouri,including, but not limited to, the number and rates of juvenilearrests, juvenile detentions, juvenile court referrals and courtdispositions for the entire state and within the jurisdiction ofeach circuit.

5. The master plan and each subsequent annual report shallbe transmitted to the governor, the legislature, the director ofthe department, the juvenile courts, and upon request, to otherinterested persons and agencies.

6. All officers and employees of the state and of everycounty and city shall furnish to the director, on an annualbasis, such statistics and other information within theirknowledge and control as the director deems necessary or properto be collected pursuant to the provisions of sections 219.011 to219.086.

7. The director shall establish written policy andprocedures for the administration of the division and shallpromulgate necessary rules and regulations pursuant to section219.016 and chapter 536, RSMo, which, together with anyamendments thereto, shall be kept on file at the principal officeof the division, shall constitute a public record and be subjectto the inspection by any person at all reasonable times.

8. The director is hereby authorized to enter into contractwith any qualified individual, agency, or institution for thepurchase of services required to meet the needs of childrencommitted to the division's charge, when it can be shown that thepurchase of such services is more economical, effective orpractical than for such services to be provided directly by thedivision. No contract shall be made under sections 219.011 to219.086 contrary to the provisions of article I, section 7 orarticle IX, section 8 of the Constitution of Missouri.

9. The director is authorized to serve as an agent of thestate in entering into agreements with the appropriate agency ofthe federal government to provide care and treatment for a childfound by a federal court to be delinquent and committed to thecustody of the Attorney General of the United States pursuant tothe provisions of 18 U.S.C. 5031-5037, inclusive, as amended.Such agreement shall be upon such terms and conditions and shallprovide for such compensation as may be mutually agreed uponbetween the division and the appropriate agency of the federalgovernment. Funds received as compensation under such agreementshall be placed in the state treasury and shall be used, uponappropriation, by the division for carrying out the purposes ofsections 219.011 to 219.086.

(L. 1975 S.B. 170 § 7, A.L. 1993 S.B. 52)