217.905. Powers and duties of commission--authority to hire employees and set salaries--state not liable for deficiencies or debts of commission--Missouri state penitentiary commission deemed a state

Powers and duties of commission--authority to hire employees and setsalaries--state not liable for deficiencies or debts ofcommission--Missouri state penitentiary commission deemed a statecommission.

217.905. 1. The commission shall have the following powers:

(1) To acquire title to the property historically utilized as theMissouri state penitentiary and to acquire by gift or bequest from publicor private sources property adjacent thereto and necessary or appropriateto the successful redevelopment of the Missouri state penitentiaryproperty;

(2) To lease or sell real property to developers who will utilize theproperty consistent with the master plan for the property and to holdproceeds from such transactions outside the state treasury;

(3) To adopt bylaws for the regulation of its affairs and the conductof its business;

(4) To hire employees necessary to perform the commission's work;

(5) To contract and to be contracted with, including, but withoutlimitation, the authority to enter into contracts with cities, counties andother political subdivisions, agencies of the state of Missouri and publicagencies pursuant to sections 70.210 to 70.325, RSMo, and otherwise, and toenter into contracts with other entities, in connection with theacquisition by gift or bequest and in connection with the planning,construction, financing, leasing, subleasing, operation and maintenance ofany real property or facility and for any other lawful purpose, and to sueand to be sued;

(6) To receive for its lawful activities contributions or moneysappropriated or otherwise designated for payment to the authority bymunicipalities, counties, state or other political subdivisions or publicagencies or by the federal government or any agency or officer thereof orfrom any other sources and to apply for grants and other funding anddeposit those funds in the Missouri state penitentiary redevelopment fund;

(7) To disburse funds for its lawful activities and fix salaries andwages of its employees;

(8) To invest any of the commission's funds in such types ofinvestments as shall be determined by a resolution adopted by thecommission;

(9) To borrow money for the acquisition, construction, equipping,operation, maintenance, repair, remediation or improvement of any facilityor real property to which the commission holds title and for any otherproper purpose, and to issue negotiable notes, bonds and other instrumentsin writing as evidence of sums borrowed;

(10) To perform all other necessary and incidental functions, and toexercise such additional powers as shall be conferred by the generalassembly; and

(11) To purchase insurance, including self-insurance, of any propertyor operations of the commission or its members, directors, officers andemployees, against any risk or hazard, and to indemnify its members,agents, independent contractors, directors, officers and employees againstany risk or hazard. The commission is specifically authorized to purchaseinsurance from the Missouri public entity risk management fund and ishereby determined to be a public entity as defined in section 537.700,RSMo.

2. In no event shall the state be liable for any deficiency orindebtedness incurred by the commission.

3. The Missouri state penitentiary redevelopment commission is astate commission for purposes of section 105.711, RSMo, and all members ofthe commission shall be entitled to coverage under the state legal expensefund.

(L. 2001 H.B. 621 subsecs. 4, 5, A.L. 2005 H.B. 58)