217.570. Sales of prison industry goods and services, procedure--open market sales, when.
Sales of prison industry goods and services, procedure--open marketsales, when.
217.570. The vocational enterprises program shall serve thestate and its political subdivisions use market. The vocationalenterprises program shall be authorized to provide goods orservices for other states and their political subdivisionswhenever their laws permit them to contract with this state.Before entering into any such contract with other states, anexecutive agreement shall first be signed between the executiveauthorities of the states. Open market sales may be made in caseof excess inventories and at prevailing market prices for goodsor services of like quality and kind, if it is considered to bein the best interest of the department. Agribusiness operationsmay make open market sales as provided by law for the sale ofproducts.
(L. 1982 H.B. 1196 § 100, A.L. 1989 H.B. 408, A.L. 1994 S.B. 763)