217.541. House arrest program, department to establish and regulate--limited release, when--offenders to fund program--arrest warrant may be issued by probation or parole officer, when.

House arrest program, department to establish and regulate--limitedrelease, when--offenders to fund program--arrest warrant may beissued by probation or parole officer, when.

217.541. 1. The department shall by rule establish aprogram of house arrest. The director or his designee mayextend the limits of confinement of offenders serving sentencesfor class C or D felonies who have one year or less remainingprior to release on parole, conditional release, or discharge toparticipate in the house arrest program.

2. The offender referred to the house arrest program shallremain in the custody of the department and shall be subject torules and regulations of the department pertaining to offendersof the department until released on parole or conditionalrelease by the state board of probation and parole.

3. The department shall require the offender to participatein work or educational or vocational programs and otheractivities that may be necessary to the supervision andtreatment of the offender.

4. An offender released to house arrest shall be authorizedto leave his place of residence only for the purpose and timenecessary to participate in the program and activitiesauthorized in subsection 3 of this section.

5. The board of probation and parole shall supervise everyoffender released to the house arrest program and shall verifycompliance with the requirements of this section and such otherrules and regulations that the department shall promulgate andmay do so by remote electronic surveillance. If anyprobation/parole officer has probable cause to believe that anoffender under house arrest has violated a condition of thehouse arrest agreement, the probation/parole officer may issue awarrant for the arrest of the offender. The probation/paroleofficer may effect the arrest or may deputize any officer withthe power of arrest to do so by giving the officer a copy of thewarrant which shall outline the circumstances of the allegedviolation. The warrant delivered with the offender by thearresting officer to the official in charge of any jail or otherdetention facility to which the offender is brought shall besufficient legal authority for detaining the offender. Anoffender arrested under this section shall remain in custody orincarcerated without consideration of bail. The director or hisdesignee, upon recommendation of the probation and paroleofficer, may direct the return of any offender from house arrestto a correctional facility of the department forreclassification.

6. Each offender who is released to house arrest shall paya percentage of his wages, established by department rules, to amaximum of the per capita cost of the house arrest program. Themoney received from the offender shall be deposited in theinmate fund and shall be expended to support the house arrestprogram.

(L. 1987 S.B. 39 § 1, A.L. 1989 H.B. 408, A.L. 1990 H.B. 974)