217.355. Education programs established, what included, enrollment required, when.

Education programs established, what included, enrollment required,when.

217.355. 1. The department shall develop and implement a plan ofinstruction for the education of offenders.

2. The educational plan shall include:

(1) The accepted curricula for the first to twelfth grades inelementary and high school instruction;

(2) Courses in vocational training best designed to equip offendersfor useful occupations upon discharge from the correctional facilities towhich they were committed;

(3) The maintenance of adequate library facilities in eachcorrectional center for the use and benefit of the offenders in suchcenters.

3. The state department of elementary and secondary education anddepartment of higher education shall cooperate with the departmentconcerning the operation and improvement of the educational program bygiving such advice, counsel and information as will enable the program tomeet the standards and requirements set for other public and vocationalschools of the state.

4. The department shall require, by January 1, 2001, all generalpopulation offenders who have not obtained a high school education or itsequivalent to be enrolled in basic educational programs offered by thedepartment.

(L. 1982 H.B. 1196 § 110, A.L. 1989 H.B. 408, A.L. 1995 H.B. 424)