217.197. Offender personal property, allowed when--unauthorized property, disposition of.
Offender personal property, allowed when--unauthorized property,disposition of.
217.197. 1. The amount and type of personal property an offenderhoused in a correctional center may possess shall be established by policy.Control and disposition of offender property as related to value and volumeshall be set by policy.
2. Unauthorized personal property found in the possession of anoffender housed in a correctional center may be impounded and disposed ofper policy directives.
(L. 1989 H.B. 408 § 1, A.L. 1995 H.B. 424)(1992) Revision of statute reflects legislative intent to relegate the management of prisoners'' property to institution policy and therefore involves discretionary functions which are within the scope of official immunity. State v. Brown, 847 S.W.2d (Mo.App.W.D.).