217.139. Sexual offenders of children, pilot treatment program--costs, how paid--department's duties--annual report.
Sexual offenders of children, pilot treatment program--costs, howpaid--department's duties--annual report.
217.139. 1. The department of corrections shall designand implement a pilot program for the treatment of individualswho, in the absence of such program, would be committed to thedepartment of corrections or placed on unsupervised probationfor a sexual offense involving a child. Under such program thecosts of treatment and supervision shall be paid by theindividuals referred to the program by the court. Such pilotcommunity corrections program shall be patterned as closely asis practicable after the successful "Restitution, Treatment andTraining" program which was developed in the state of Oregon.
2. The department of corrections shall implement theprogram required pursuant to this section by January 1, 1992,and shall report annually to the governor, the speaker of thehouse of representatives and the president pro tem of the senateon the effectiveness of the program.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1370, et al. § 7)