214.208. Disinterment authorized, when--consent required, when--cemetery owner not liable, when.
Disinterment authorized, when--consent required, when--cemeteryowner not liable, when.
214.208. 1. Every person or association which owns anycemetery in which dead human remains are buried or otherwiseinterred is authorized, at the cemetery owner's expense, todisinter individual remains and reinter or rebury the remains atanother location within the cemetery in order to correct anerror made in the original burial or interment of the remains.
2. Every person or association which owns any cemetery inwhich dead human remains are buried or otherwise interred isauthorized to disinter individual remains and either to reinteror rebury the remains at another location within the cemetery orto deliver the remains to a carrier for transportation out ofthe cemetery, all pursuant to written instructions signed andacknowledged by a majority of the following adult members of thedeceased person's family who are then known and living:surviving spouse, children, and parents. If none of the abovefamily members survive the deceased, then the majority of thegrandchildren, brothers and sisters of whole and half blood mayauthorize the disinterment, relocation or delivery of theremains of the deceased. The costs of such disinterment,relocation or delivery shall be paid by the deceased person'sfamily.
3. Every person or association which owns any cemetery inwhich dead human remains are buried or otherwise interred isauthorized to disinter individual remains and either to reinteror rebury the remains at another location within the cemetery orto deliver the remains to a carrier for transportation out ofthe cemetery, all pursuant to a final order issued by thecircuit court for the county in which the cemetery is located.The court may issue the order, in the court's discretion andupon such notice and hearing as the court shall deemappropriate, for good cause shown, including without limitation,the best interests of public health or safety, the bestinterests of the deceased person's family, or the reasonablerequirements of the cemetery to facilitate the operation,maintenance, improvement or enlargement of the cemetery. Thecosts of such disinterment, relocation and delivery, and therelated court proceedings, shall be paid by the persons soordered by the court.
4. The cemetery owner shall not be liable to the deceasedperson's family or to any third party for a disinterment,relocation or delivery of deceased human remains made pursuantto this section.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1079)