208.780. Definitions.


208.780. As used in sections 208.780 to 208.798, the following termsshall mean:

(1) "Asset test", the asset limits as defined by the MedicarePrescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act, P.L. 108-173;

(2) "Contractor", the person, partnership, or corporate entity whichhas an approved contract with the department to administer thepharmaceutical assistance program established under sections 208.780 to208.798 and this chapter;

(3) "Department", the department of social services;

(4) "Division", the department of social services, division ofmedical services;

(5) "Enrollee", a resident of this state who meets the conditionsspecified in sections 208.780 to 208.798 and in department regulationsrelating to eligibility for participation in the Missouri Rx plan and whoseapplication for enrollment in the Missouri Rx plan has been approved by thedepartment;

(6) "Federal poverty guidelines", the federal poverty guidelinesupdated annually in the Federal Register by the United States Department ofHealth and Human Services under the authority of 42 U.S.C. Section 9902(2);

(7) "Liquid assets", assets used in the eligibility determinationprocess as defined by the Medicare Modernization Act;

(8) "Medicaid dual eligible" or "dual eligible", a person who iseligible for both Medicare and Medicaid as defined by the MedicareModernization Act;

(9) "Medicare Modernization Act" or "MMA", the Medicare PrescriptionDrug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, P.L. 108-173;

(10) "Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit", the prescriptionbenefit provided under the Medicare Modernization Act, as it may vary fromone prescription drug plan to another;

(11) "Missouri resident", a person who has or intends to have a fixedplace of residence in Missouri, with the present intent of maintaining apermanent home in Missouri for the indefinite future;

(12) "Missouri Rx plan", the state pharmacy assistance programcreated in section 208.782, or the combination of state and federalprograms providing services to the population described in section 208.784;

(13) "Participating pharmacy", a pharmacy that elects to participateas a pharmaceutical provider and enters into a participating networkagreement with the department or contractor;

(14) "Prescription drug plan" or "PDP", nongovernmental drug plansunder contract with the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services toprovide prescription benefits under the Medicare Modernization Act;

(15) "Prescription drugs", outpatient prescription drugs that havebeen approved as safe and effective by the United States Food and DrugAdministration. Prescription drugs do not include experimental drugs orover-the-counter pharmaceutical products;

(16) "Program", the Missouri Rx plan created under sections 208.780to 208.798.

(L. 2005 S.B. 539)

Sunset date 8-28-11, unless reauthorized (see § 208.798)