207.030. Director of family services--oath--bond--removal from office.
Director of family services--oath--bond--removal from office.
207.030. The chief administrative officer of the division offamily services shall be a director of family services, who shallbe a person qualified by education and experience to supervisethe work of the division of family services and shall be acitizen and taxpayer of Missouri. Before entering upon hisduties the director shall subscribe an oath or affirmation tosupport the Constitution of the United States and of the state ofMissouri and to faithfully demean himself in office. He shallenter into good and sufficient bond, payable to the state ofMissouri, conditioned upon the faithful discharge and performanceof official duties, and upon accountability for all property andfunds coming under his administration and control, said bond tobe approved by the attorney general as to form, and by thegovernor as to its sufficiency, the premium on said bond to bepaid by the state. The governor may remove the director of thedivision of family services for incompetence, misconduct, orneglect of duty.
(L. 1945 p. 945 § 34)