206.090. Election districts--election of directors--terms, qualifications, vacancies, declaration of candidacy--no election, when--abolishing election districts, procedure--election of directors at la
Election districts--election of directors--terms, qualifications,vacancies, declaration of candidacy--no election,when--abolishing election districts, procedure--election ofdirectors at large.
206.090. 1. After the hospital district has been declared organized,the declaring county commission shall divide the district into six electiondistricts as equal in population as possible, and shall by lot number thedistricts from one to six inclusive. The county commission shall cause anelection to be held in the hospital district within ninety days after theorder establishing the hospital district to elect hospital districtdirectors. Each voter shall vote for six directors, one from eachdistrict, except in any county of the third classification without atownship form of government and with more than ten thousand six hundred butfewer than ten thousand seven hundred inhabitants, each voter shall votefor one director from the hospital election district in which the voterresides. Directors shall serve a term of six years or a lesser term ofyears as may be established by the county commission. If directors are toserve a term of six years, the initial term of the director elected fromdistrict number one shall serve a term of one year, the director electedfrom district number two shall serve a term of two years, the directorelected from district number three shall serve a term of three years, thedirector elected from district number four shall serve a term of fouryears, the director elected from district number five shall serve a term offive years, and the director elected from district number six shall serve aterm of six years; thereafter, the terms of all directors shall be sixyears. If the county commission chooses to establish a term of office ofless than six years, the initial election of directors shall be done in amanner established by the county commission. All directors shall serveuntil their successors are elected and qualified. Any vacancy shall befilled by the remaining members of the board of directors who shall appointa person to serve as director until the next municipal election.
2. Candidates for director of the hospital district shall be citizensof the United States, voters of the hospital district who have residedwithin the state for one year next preceding the election and who are atleast thirty years of age. All candidates shall file their declaration ofcandidacy with the county commission calling the election for theorganizational election, and for subsequent elections, with the secretaryof the board of directors of the district.
3. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, if the number ofcandidates for office of director is no greater than the number ofdirectors to be elected, no election shall be held, and the candidatesshall assume the responsibilities of their offices at the same time and inthe same manner as if they had been elected.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections 1 to 3 of thissection, after the formation of the hospital district, the hospital boardof directors, by a majority vote of the directors with the consent of amajority of the county commission on an order of record, may abolish thesix hospital districts' election districts and cause the hospital districtdirectors to be elected from the hospital district at large. Upon optingto elect the hospital district directors at large, the then-servinghospital district directors shall continue to serve the remainder of theirterms and any vacancies on the board, after the date of such option, shallbe filled by an election conducted at large in the district.
(L. 1961 p. 524 § 10, A.L. 1967 p. 319, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971, A.L. 1982 H.B. 1086, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1635, A.L. 1996 S.B. 484, A.L. 2007 S.B. 22 merged with S.B. 298)