206.020. Petition of voters for district, where filed, contents.

Petition of voters for district, where filed, contents.

206.020. Whenever the creation of a hospital district isdesired, a number of voters residing in the proposed districtequal to ten percent of the vote cast in the proposed district inthe next preceding general election may file with the countyclerk in which the territory or the greater part thereof issituated a petition requesting the creation thereof. In case theproposed district which shall be contiguous is situated in two ormore counties, the petition shall be filed in the office of thecounty clerk of the county in which the greater part of the areais situated, and the commissioners of the county commission ofsaid county shall set the petition for public hearing. Thepetition shall set forth:

(1) A description of the territory to be embraced in theproposed district;

(2) The names of the municipalities located within the area;

(3) The name of the proposed district;

(4) The population of the district which shall not be lessthan two thousand inhabitants;

(5) The assessed valuation of the area, which shall not beless than two million five hundred thousand dollars; and

(6) A request that the question be submitted to the votersresiding within the limits of the proposed hospital districtwhether they will establish a hospital district under thischapter to be known as "..... Hospital District" for the purposeof constructing and maintaining a public hospital.

(L. 1961 p. 524 § 3, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)