205.990. Nonparticipating counties to pay for residents, when, basis--determination of residence.
Nonparticipating counties to pay for residents, when,basis--determination of residence.
205.990. 1. If a community mental health center, mentalhealth clinic, or any comprehensive mental health service issupported by some participating counties, but not by all thecounties within the service area, then the center or clinicshall charge the nonparticipating counties for services renderedto persons not able to pay who are residents of suchnonparticipating counties.
2. The amounts to be charged to the counties notparticipating shall be the same proportion of the actual percapita inpatient costs or actual outpatient costs forexamination or other service costs as the proportion borne bythe participating counties of the actual expenses of providingthe comprehensive mental health service rendered to each personnot able to pay who is a resident of a county not participating.
3. For the purpose of this section, the county of residenceshall be determined as follows:
(1) If an individual is receiving a service that includesnighttime sleeping accommodations, his county of residence shallbe that county in which the individual maintains his primaryplace of residence at the time he entered the community mentalhealth center, mental health clinic, or other comprehensivemental health service;
(2) If an individual is receiving a service that does notinclude nighttime sleeping accommodations, his county ofresidence shall be that county in which the individual maintainshis primary place of residence.
(L. 1978 S.B. 652, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1383)Effective 1-1-91