205.987. Duties of department as to standards--to be met, when.
Duties of department as to standards--to be met, when.
205.987. 1. In consultation with the state advisory councilfor comprehensive psychiatric services and existing public orprivate entities providing any comprehensive community mentalhealth services, the department shall develop and promulgatestandards of construction, staffing, operations, and serviceswhich any public or private entity providing any comprehensivemental health services shall meet before funds collected pursuantto sections 205.975 to 205.990 may be disbursed. The records,operations, and services provided by any entity under sections205.975 to 205.990 shall be subject to annual review orinspection by the department.
2. Any entity which provides or seeks to provide anycomprehensive mental health service and desires to apply forfederal community mental health grants for the purpose ofconstructing, operating, maintaining, or staffing a comprehensivemental health service shall meet all standards of construction,staffing, operations, and maintenance as developed andpromulgated by the department in consultation with the stateadvisory council for comprehensive psychiatric services andexisting public or private entities providing any comprehensivemental health services. Such entities shall be subject to annualreview and inspection by the department.
(L. 1969 S.B. 168 § 13, A.L. 1978 S.B. 652)*No continuity with § 205.987 as repealed by L. 1978 S.B. 652.