205.983. Joint financing, procedure--treasurer to be bonded.
Joint financing, procedure--treasurer to be bonded.
205.983. 1. Any participating county may provide for thefinancing of its share or portion of the costs or expenses of thejoint agreements entered into pursuant to section 205.982 in amanner and by the same procedures for the financing by a singlecounty to accomplish the same purposes in accordance withsections 205.977 to 205.981, if acting alone and on its ownbehalf.
2. All moneys received from each participating countypursuant to the joint agreements shall be deposited in a specialfund designated as a "Community Mental Health Fund" and disbursedwith the approval of the board of trustees in accordance with thejoint agreements entered into by the participating counties.
3. The treasurer of the board of trustees, before funds arereceived from any participating county, shall enter into a bondto each participating county with two or more sureties, to beapproved by the board of trustees, conditioned that he willrender a faithful and just account of all money that may bedeposited into the community mental health fund, and otherwiseperform his duties according to law, such bond to be filed witheach participating county.
(L. 1969 S.B. 168 § 9, A.L. 1978 S.B. 652)*No continuity with § 205.983 as repealed by L. 1978 S.B. 652.