205.979. Election--notice--ballot form--how conducted.
Election--notice--ballot form--how conducted.
205.979. 1. The board of trustees may request that thegoverning body of the county or counties request the electionofficials of any county or city not within a county containingall or part of such service area to submit to the qualifiedvoters of such county, or city not within a county, at a** general,primary, or special election the proposition contained insubsection 3 of this section. Such election officials shall givelegal notice at least sixty days prior to such general, primary,or special election in at least two newspapers that suchproposition shall be submitted at any general, primary, orspecial election held for submission of the proposal. A requestby the board of trustees for a proposition to be submitted to thevoters as set out in this section shall be considered a requestof the county, or city not within a county, for purposes ofsection 115.063, RSMo.
2. The tax may not be levied to exceed forty cents per eachone hundred dollars assessed valuation therefor.
3. The ballot to be used for voting on the propositionshall be substantially in the following form:
(Check the one for which you wish to vote.)
Shall (name of county) establish a community mental healthfund to establish, improve (and) (or) maintain a community mentalhealth service, and for which the (county) shall levy a tax of(insert exact amount to be voted upon) cents per each one hundreddollars assessed valuation therefor?
â ã YES â ã NO
4. The election shall be conducted and the vote canvassedin the same manner as other county elections.
(L. 1969 S.B. 168 § 5, A.L. 1978 S.B. 652, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1383)Effective 1-1-91
*No continuity with § 205.979 as repealed by L. 1978 S.B. 652.
**Words "at a" do not appear in original rolls.