205.971. Tax levy, approval, use.
Tax levy, approval, use.
205.971. The board of aldermen or other governing body of acity not within a county and the county commission or othergoverning body of the county, except for a county of the firstclassification having a charter form of government containing inpart a city with a population of more than three hundred fiftythousand inhabitants, or a county of the first classificationhaving a charter form of government with a population of at leastnine hundred thousand inhabitants may, upon approval of amajority of the qualified voters of such city or county thereon,levy and collect a tax not to exceed four mills per dollar ofassessed valuation upon all taxable property within the city orcounty for the purpose of establishing and maintaining the countysheltered workshop, residence, facility and/or related services.The county commission or other governing body of a county of thefirst classification having a charter form of governmentcontaining in whole or part a city with a population of more thanthree hundred fifty thousand inhabitants, or a county of thefirst classification having a charter form of government with apopulation of at least nine hundred thousand inhabitants may,upon approval of a majority of the qualified voters of suchcounty or city voting thereon, levy and collect a tax not toexceed two mills per dollar of assessed valuation upon alltaxable property within such county or city for the purpose ofestablishing and maintaining the county or city shelteredworkshop, residence, facility and/or related services. The taxso levied shall be collected along with other county taxes, or inthe case of a city not within a county, with other city taxes, inthe manner provided by law. All funds collected for this purposeshall be deposited in a special fund and shall be used for noother purpose. Deposits in the fund shall be expended only uponapproval of the board.
(L. 1969 S.B. 40 § 4, A.L. 1975 H.B. 240, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1383, A.L. 1992 S.B. 630, A.L. 1993 S.B. 366)