205.964. Reimbursement to federal government, how made.
Reimbursement to federal government, how made.
205.964. Any loss for which this state or its agencies orcounties may be liable to reimburse the federal government inaccordance with federal laws, rules and regulations applicable tofederal food stamp plans or federal surplus agriculturalcommodities distribution programs shall be paid from fundsappropriated to the division of family services for theadministration of these programs. Any loss in a county in whicha program of surplus agricultural commodities distribution is ineffect, and with respect to which loss is incurred, shall be paidby the county to the division of family services in the amountpayable to the federal government under this section. Thepayment for any loss by the state or county shall not relieve anyperson of any civil or criminal liability to this state.
(L. 1969 S.B. 23 § 205.980)