205.850. County superintendent of public welfare--appointment--general powers (third and fourth class counties).
County superintendent of public welfare--appointment--generalpowers (third and fourth class counties).
205.850. The county commission in counties of the third andfourth classes may in its discretion, with an order of thejuvenile court showing approval, appoint a county superintendentof public welfare, and such assistants as it may deem necessary.Whenever the county commission of any county has appointed asuperintendent of public welfare such officer shall assume allthe powers and duties now conferred by law upon the probation orparole officer of such county and shall assume all the powers andduties of the attendance officer in said county and all thepowers and the duties of the attendance officer in anyincorporated town or village having a population of more than onethousand inhabitants, and no other or different probation orparole officer or attendance officer or officers shall beappointed by the judge of the juvenile court, by the countysuperintendent of public schools, or by the school board or anyincorporated city, town, or village school district orconsolidated school district.
(RSMo 1939 § 9791, A.L. 1943 p. 351, A.L. 1945 p. 629)Prior revision: 1929 § 14182