205.790. Character of board--members--appointment--tenure--compensation--vacancies (second class counties).
Character ofboard--members--appointment--tenure--compensation--vacancies(second class counties).
205.790. 1. Said board shall be nonpartisan andnonsectarian in character, and the members and officers thereofshall receive no compensation as such.
2. Said board shall consist of the mayor of such cities andthe presiding commissioner of the county commission of suchcounties, who shall be ex officio members thereof, and six othermembers, three of whom shall be appointed by the countycommission of such counties, who shall hold office, one for oneyear, one for two years and one for three years, whose terms ofoffice shall be designated by such county commission, three bythe mayor and common council of such cities, who shall holdoffice, one for one year, one for two years and one for threeyears, whose terms of office shall be designated by the mayor.
3. Whenever the term of office of any member so appointedexpires, the appointment of his successor shall be for threeyears. All such appointments shall date from the first of Junefollowing their appointment.
4. Vacancies from any causes shall be filled in like manneras original appointment. The mayor may, for misconduct orneglect of duty, remove any member appointed by him in the mannerrequired for removal of officers of such cities. The countycommission may, by a majority vote, for misconduct or neglect ofduty, remove any member appointed by them.
(RSMo 1939 § 9580)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12940; 1919 § 12189; 1909 § 1323