205.770. Social welfare board created--powers--second class county changing class status--may keep board.
Social welfare board created--powers--second class county changingclass status--may keep board.
205.770. 1. In any county of the second class in this statethere may be created and established by order of the countycommission of any such county a board which shall be styled "TheSocial Welfare Board of the County of .........".
2. All powers and duties connected with and incident to thebetterment of social and physical causes of dependency, therelief and care of the indigent, and the care of sick dependents,with the exception of the mentally ill and those suffering withcontagious, infectious and transmissible diseases shall beexclusively invested in and exercised by the board.
3. The board shall have power to receive and expenddonations for social welfare purposes and shall have exclusivecontrol over the distribution and expenditure of any public fundsset aside and appropriated by such counties and by any citylocated in any such county for the relief of the temporarilydependent. The board shall have power to promote the generalwelfare of the poor within the limits of such counties by socialand sanitary reforms, by industrial instruction, by theinculcation of habits of providence and self-dependence, and bythe establishment and maintenance of any activities to theseends. The board shall have power to sue and be sued, complainand defend in all courts, to assume the care of or take, by gift,grant, devise, bequest or otherwise, any money, real estate,personal property, right of property, or other valuable things,and may use, enjoy, control, sell or convey the same forcharitable purposes, to have and to use a common seal and alterthe same at pleasure.
4. The board may make bylaws for its own guidance, rules andregulations for the government of its agents, servants andemployees, and for the distribution of the funds under itscontrol.
5. If any second class county which has established a socialwelfare board pursuant to the provisions of this section,subsequently becomes a first class or a third class county, suchcounty may retain its social welfare board and continue tofunction pursuant to the provisions of sections 205.770 to205.840.
(RSMo 1939 § 9578, A.L. 1945 p. 1754, A.L. 1989 H.B. 452)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12938; 1919 § 12187; 1909 § 1322