205.374. County hospital property, sale of, procedure for, receipts, how used.
County hospital property, sale of, procedure for, receipts, howused.
205.374. 1. Upon filing with the county clerk of a resolutionadopted by the board of hospital trustees to sell the county hospitalproperty, both real and personal, for reasons specified in the resolution,the clerk shall present the resolution to the commissioners of the countycommission. If the commissioners of the county commission determine thatsale of the hospital property is desirable, the commission shall, by order,appoint an agent to sell and dispose of such property in the mannerprovided for sale of other county property. The deed of the agent, underthe agent's proper hand and seal, for and in behalf of the county, dulyacknowledged and recorded, shall be sufficient to convey to the purchaserall the right, title, interest and estate which the county has in theproperty.
2. The proceeds from the sale of the property shall be applied to thepayment of any interest and principal of any outstanding valid indebtednessof the county incurred for purchase of the site or construction of thehospital, or for any repairs, alterations, improvements, or additionsthereto, or for operation of the hospital. If the proceeds from the saleof the hospital property, and any interest thereon, are, or will be,insufficient to pay the interest and principal of any valid outstandingbonded indebtedness as they fall due, the county commission shall continueto provide for the collection of an annual tax on all taxable tangibleproperty in the county sufficient to pay the interest and principal of theindebtedness as it falls due and to retire the bonds within the timerequired therein.
3. In a county of the first classification, any balance of theproceeds from the sale of the county hospital remaining after allindebtedness incurred in connection with the hospital is paid shall beplaced to the credit of the general fund of the county. In a county of thesecond, third or fourth classification:
(1) Any balance of the proceeds from the sale of the county hospitalpursuant to subsection 2 of this section shall be used to provide healthcare services in the county; and
(2) Assets donated to a county hospital pursuant to section 205.290shall be used to provide health care services in the county, except asotherwise prescribed by the terms of the deed, gift, devise or bequest.
(L. 1975 S.B. 74, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1554 Revision, A.L. 1999 H.B. 796 merged with S.B. 276)*Transferred 1978; formerly 205.372
Effective 5-13-99 (S.B. 276) 7-13-99 (H.B. 796)