205.270. Beneficiaries of hospital.
Beneficiaries of hospital.
205.270. Every hospital established under sections 205.160to 205.340 shall be for the benefit of the inhabitants of suchcounty and of any person falling sick or being injured or maimedwithin its limits, but every such inhabitant or person who is nota pauper shall pay to such board of hospital trustees or suchofficer as it shall designate for such county public hospital, areasonable compensation for occupancy, nursing, care, medicine,or attendants, according to the rules and regulations prescribedby said board, such hospital always being subject to suchreasonable rules and regulations as said board may adopt in orderto render the use of said hospital of the greatest benefit to thegreatest number; and said board may exclude from the use of suchhospital any and all inhabitants and persons who shall willfullyviolate such rules and regulations. And said board may extendthe privileges and use of such hospital to persons residingoutside of such county, upon such terms and conditions as saidboard may from time to time by its rules and regulationsprescribe.
(RSMo 1939 § 15202)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13985; 1919 § 12619