204.620. Acquisition of real and personal property--use of public grounds, when.
Acquisition of real and personal property--use of public grounds,when.
204.620. 1. The board of trustees may acquire by purchase, gift, orcondemnation or may lease or rent any real or personal property, and whencondemnation is used, shall follow the procedure that is provided bychapter 523, RSMo. All the powers may be exercised both within or withoutthe district as may be necessary to exercise its powers or accomplish itspurposes. The board of trustees also shall have the same authority toenter upon private lands to survey land or other property before exerciseof the above condemnation powers, as granted under section 388.210, RSMo,to railroad corporations.
2. The board of trustees of the reorganized common sewer district, ifit is necessary to cross, follow, or traverse public streets, roads,alleys, or grounds held or used as public parks or places, shall have theright to do so upon the following conditions: the board of trustees shallfile with the county commission or mayor of the municipality havingimmediate jurisdiction over the street, road, alley, or public park orplace, a map showing the location and extent of the proposed occupancy forsewerage purposes and a plan of the proposed facilities, which plan shallbe so made and arranged as not to interfere with the ordinary and lawfuluse of the street, road, alley, public park, or place, except during areasonable time for the construction of the necessary works.
3. The entire expense of the works and restoration of the groundoccupied to its former condition, as near as may be, shall be borne by thereorganized common sewer district.
(L. 2007 S.B. 22)