204.610. Trustees, appointment, qualifications, compensation, terms.
Trustees, appointment, qualifications, compensation, terms.
204.610. 1. There shall be five trustees, appointed or elected asprovided for in the circuit court decree or amended decree of incorporationfor a reorganized common sewer district, who shall reside within theboundaries of the district. Each trustee shall be a voter of the districtand shall have resided in said district for twelve months immediately priorto the trustee's election or appointment. A trustee shall be at leasttwenty-five years of age and shall not be delinquent in the payment oftaxes at the time of the trustee's election or appointment. Regardless ofwhether or not the trustees are elected or appointed, in the event thedistrict extends into any county bordering the county in which the greaterportion of the district lies, the presiding commissioner or other chiefexecutive officer of the adjoining county shall be an additional member ofthe board of trustees, or the governing body of such bordering county mayappoint a citizen from such county to serve as an additional member of theboard of trustees. Said additional trustee shall meet the qualificationsset forth in this section for a trustee.
2. The trustees shall receive no compensation for their services butmay be compensated for reasonable expenses normally incurred in theperformance of their duties. The board of trustees may employ and fix thecompensation of such staff as may be necessary to discharge the businessand purposes of the district, including clerks, attorneys, administrativeassistants, and any other necessary personnel. The board of trustees mayemploy and fix the duties and compensation of an administrator for thedistrict. The administrator shall be the chief executive officer of thedistrict subject to the supervision and direction of the board of trustees.The administrator of the district may, with the approval of the board oftrustees, retain consulting engineers for the district under such terms andconditions as may be necessary to discharge the business and purposes ofthe district.
3. Except as provided in subsection 1 of this section, the term ofoffice of a trustee shall be five years. The remaining trustees shallappoint a person qualified under this section to fill any vacancy on theboard. The initial trustees appointed by the circuit court shall serveuntil the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June or until the firstTuesday after the first Monday in April, depending upon the resolution ofthe trustees. In the event that the trustees are elected, said electionsshall be conducted by the appropriate election authority under chapter 115,RSMo. Otherwise, trustees shall be appointed by the county commission inaccordance with the qualifications set forth in subsection 1 of thissection.
4. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if there is only onecandidate for the post of trustee, then no election shall be held, and thecandidate shall assume the responsibilities of office at the same time andin the same manner as if elected. If there is no candidate for the post oftrustee, then no election shall be held for that post and it shall beconsidered vacant, to be filled under the provisions of subsection 3 ofthis section.
(L. 2007 S.B. 22)