204.608. District a body corporate and politic, when--seal to be adopted--judicial notice of existence, when.
District a body corporate and politic, when--seal to beadopted--judicial notice of existence, when.
204.608. 1. When a decree or amended decree of incorporation isissued as provided for in sections 204.600 to 204.640, a reorganized commonsewer district shall be considered in law and equity a body corporate andpolitic and political subdivision of this state, known by the namespecified in the court's decree, and by that name and style may sue and besued, contract and be contracted with, acquire and hold real estate andpersonal property necessary for corporate purposes, and adopt a commonseal. A reorganized common sewer district also shall have exclusivejurisdiction and authority to provide wastewater collection and treatmentservices within the boundaries of the district with respect to anywastewater service provider authorized to provide sewer services under thelaws of this state, except for sewer corporations providing service under acertificate of convenience and necessity granted by the public servicecommission.
2. All courts in this state shall take judicial notice of theexistence of any district organized under sections 204.600 to 204.640.
(L. 2007 S.B. 22)