204.573. Petition for extension of boundaries, contents--public hearing, notice--decree, filing.
Petition for extension of boundaries, contents--public hearing,notice--decree, filing.
204.573. A majority of the political subdivisions within asewer subdistrict formed pursuant to sections 204.565 to 204.573and entitled to representation on that subdistrict's advisoryboard under section 204.571, together with the board of trusteesof the common sewer district of which the subdistrict is a part,may petition the circuit court in which such subdistrict wasformed for extension of the boundaries of such subdistrict andcommon sewer district within one or more of the politicalsubdivisions or to include all or a part of other politicalsubdivisions, which political subdivisions must also join in suchpetition. The petition shall state the purposes for which thesubdistrict is to be expanded and shall have a map of thesubdistrict, including the proposed expansion, attached thereto.The court shall schedule a public hearing and notice shall beafforded in the same manner as provided in section 204.567. Ifthe court shall find such expansion is reasonable or necessary,the court shall enter a decree extending the boundaries of thecommon sewer district and the sewer subdistrict, declaring sucharea to be a part of the sewer subdistrict and common sewerdistrict, and approving the map submitted by the petitioners.The decree and map shall then be filed in the same manner asprescribed in section 204.567.
(L. 1992 H.B. 948 § 5)Effective 2-18-92